Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2021




"Duvidam sim, os que não sabem, os que não conhecem. Mas, depois de todos saberem e conhecerem, acabar-se-ão as dúvidas. A dúvida é uma coisa natural de quem não conhece e não sabe. Na dúvida vivem todos há muito, de experiências em experiências, às apalpadelas, na incerteza de tudo. Nem de outra forma, encantados, poderiam viver. Só mesmo depois de desencantados é que irão fazer modificações como do preto para o branco, vendo e sofrendo as influências do encanto pavoroso dessa vida! Todos cada vez mais cansados de sofrerem num mundo cheio de crenças, sufocados pelos enigmas e talismãs de embusteiros, onde a morte, depois de tanto sofrimento, é um descanso." (Pág.  196/197, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERAÇÕES:  Como já dissemos anteriormente, estamos vivendo em um mundo que não é o nosso verdadeiro Mundo de Origem. Então, é preciso sabermos como viver em um mundo, fora do nosso estado natural, até que possamos voltar para o mundo de onde somos! 

A IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL proporciona ao ser humano o conhecimento integral e completo acerca de sua verdadeira origem e de como saiu de lá e aqui veio parar. Toda essa odisseia da nossa saída do nosso Mundo de Origem, até chegarmos à condição em que nos encontramos, é descrita com riqueza de detalhes e inúmeras provas e comprovações. 

Além desse conhecimento, a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL também proporciona ao ser humano um modo de viver equilibrado, firme, adequado ao seu natural de ser Racional que é. Esse equilíbrio é alcançado naturalmente, por meio do contato diário com a energia do nosso verdadeiro natural, que é a Energia Racional! É essa Energia que nos é transmitida quando lemos e relemos as páginas brilhantes do Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO. 

Essa Energia Racional é proveniente do nosso verdadeiro Mundo de Origem, que não é este em que vivemos. Este mundo é o mundo das energias elétrica e magnética, que são duas energias degeneradas, deformadas, poluídas e enfraquecidas. E nós estamos ligados a essas duas energias porque nos deformamos em animais Racionais. E  nessa condição em que nos encontramos hoje, somos seres sofredores e mortais, por estarmos ligados a essas duas energias que não são do nosso verdadeiro natural.  Assim sendo, vivemos uma vida em "curto", por estarmos ligados a uma base à qual não pertencemos, que é a base animal. É por isso que o ser humano pensa e procede muitas vezes, pior que um animal e vive completamente desregulado e desequilibrado. E só encontrará o equilíbrio verdadeiro quando se desligar dessas duas energias e se ligar na energia do seu verdadeiro natural de Racional, que é a Energia Racional. 

Ligado à Energia Racional, o ser humano torna-se perfeitamente equilibrado, posto não estar mais sob o domínio e a regência da base animal, que é a energia elétrica e magnética (as duas energias que promovem a desregulagem e o desequilíbrio do ser humano).

E como o ser humano pode se ligar à  Energia Racional e alcançar o pleno equilíbrio aqui na vida da matéria? É muito simples e muito natural: dedicando-se ao estudo atento, reflexivo e diário das mensagens contidas no Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO! E dentro dos seus lares ou onde estiverem, desde que em condições de leitura atenciosa, sem interferência de agentes externos que possam atrapalhar sua atenção e concentração na leitura. Somente isso é o quanto basta, posto ser o Livro destinado à toda a humanidade! (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria).

Saudações Racionais a todos!



"The natural order of things has several characteristics: what was born to be high, nature takes you to its high place; what was born to be low, nature leaves you in its low place; what was born to be small,  rickety, nature only provides that purpose and nothing more, these are natural points that vibrate with nature, they are mirrors for all these immense quantities, for all interpretations of beings, given by the formation of insatiable, that make the  living being never satisfied with what he has.

If you are tall, the taller you are, the taller you want to stay. If you are small, you also want to be big and here are the struggles and confusions. He is thin, he wants to be fat, he is fat, he wants to be thin, he is poor, he wants to be rich, he is rich, he wants to be increasingly rich. Anyway, they are insatiable in everything. Indolent beings by nature; unbalanced.  And so they are. "(Page 149, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: Yes, my friends, when we come to understand and understand that we are living in a world, which is not our real world, it is that we truly understand why rich and poor are not satisfied! A simple comparison: how can you live contentedly living outside your home, your home, your residence, your home? Living favorably in a stranger's house, with what is not yours, without having your real freedom? So it is with us living here in this world of matter, which is not our real world!

And why is the world of matter not our real world? Why are we here, degenerated and deformed from our true natural state!  Because we left our real world, by our free and spontaneous will to find out a part, a piece of it, that was not ready to go in progress. Because we are of Rational origin and therefore, philosophically we were classified as Rational Animals! But the right thing should be Animal Rational, because before we were animals we were Rationals, our true origin.  So, origin first and matter second.  Because we are of origin from above and not from below, because everything came from top to bottom.

And how to verify, prove and prove our origin, our Rational ancestry?  Very simple and very natural!  Through the Rational Knowledge contained in the Work UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT! And why didn't these Rational Knowledge come to the world before?  Because before we were being prepared by our culture, so after maturing, we would be in a position to understand and understand the Culture of our World of Origin! Yes, my friends, because before we thought that with our culture we would find everything good, beautiful and beautiful and we would find a right way of life, that would bring joy, happiness and satisfaction to everyone. So, we had to go through a lapidation process and through it, understand and understand that we were living outside our real place. And this lapidation process was a process of pain, tears and suffering. But here, in the life of matter, everything changes, everything changes, life is one of constant change and renewal.

So, now, there has been a phase change in nature! The Rational animal phase has ended; the phase of thought and imagination has ended; the phase of experiences, mysteries, riddles and phenomena has ended and a new phase has entered the world: the Rational Phase! This phase brings to the world the knowledge of a new Culture and with it, the bases for the formation of a more evolved human being, the Rational human being, knowing and aware of his true World of Origin! In addition to this state of consciousness, the human being comes to know how he left his original world and what he must do to return to it! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!

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 Rational greetings to all!

Since the dawn of human history, man has been asking about his origin, his appearance in the life of matter, the origin of the world, the origin of matter and what existed, before matter existed! Questions that spanned generations and generations, that passed through very early civilizations, without clear, convincing, forceful answers that were accepted by all! The mysteries continued today!

But now, there is a Culture of a world far superior to ours that reveals all these secrets and more and unravels all these mysteries and more! Oh, and based on logic, evidence and a multitude of proofs! And what culture is this?  And what upper world is this?  Culture, my people, is the Rational Culture contained in the books Universe in Disenchantment! And the Upper world is the Rational World, from which we originate and from which all this known and unknown Universe originated! The World that is the Master Root of Universal Fertilization!

You may be thinking or even saying: another story to ensnare humanity, isn't it? So take the São Tomé test and come and see to be sure of the greatest discovery of all time and the greatest universal reality, which is the Knowledge that reveals all the secrets and all the mysteries that involved the origin of life, of man, of world and its creation, generation and training! That day had to come at some point and that day has come! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

A good Rational day to all!

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"Quem está ligado à natureza, está amparado por ela, está protegido por ela, está orientado por ela, está guiado por ela e dominado por ela, porque está ligado à força maior, que é a natureza.

E quem está ligado a essa força não pode perder para ninguém, porque quem manda é a natureza, quem faz e desfaz é a natureza. Está ligado a um dos maiores poderes que existe, além de estar ligado à Energia Racional, que é do primeiro mundo, além da energia que está comandando a fase natural da natureza.

Para ver que, quem está ligado a essas duas forças, vencem tudo, vencem todos e vai vencendo sempre.

Não há obstáculos que não sejam vencidos, porque está ligado à Energia Racional, a energia do primeiro mundo, a energia da direita, a primeira energia, e está ligado embaixo, no chão, à natureza.

E quem está ligado a essas forças tem um poder ilimitado, acima mesmo da própria natureza, por estar ligado no primeiro mundo, o MUNDO RACIONAL, à energia mais poderosa que existe.

Para ver que, quem está ligado em cima, no primeiro mundo (e embaixo, no chão), resolve o que é preciso e necessário para todos."


(Música: O Poder da Criação )

Mãe natureza, mostra tua beleza
Espelha nas águas o brilho do sol
O clarão do luar

Mãe natureza, mostra tua grandezaNas cores que formam o arco írisNas cores da vida

Vai piracema na dança das águasVôa nas asas do vento gaviãoÉs o encontro de todas as raçasÉs o encontro das águas em meu coração

És a força dos ventos, dos maresDos lagos dos rios, furos ígarapésDas matas às campinas e sertões

Dos vales às montanhas planícies e estrelas no céuNatureza mãe, natureza mãeÊ auê, auê, auê, auê, auê, auê, ah

Do oriente ao ocidenteTu és o poder da criaçãoNatureza mãe, natureza mãeÊ auê, auê, auê, auê, auê, auê, ah

Composição: Ronaldo Barbosa


There it is, the true world of everyone discovered, the RATIONAL PLAIN, the place of origin of the Rational animals. You were living in a world that was not the true world of everyone, that is not the true world of everyone. And because it was not so, you were being born over there only to suffer, because it was not the true world of the Rational animals. 

You knew that you descended of something pure, and that this pure thing had to be Rational, but you could never have discovered this basis and that is why you were living like Rational animals. 

But the Rational Basis you never could have discovered. You knew you were of this origin, but you did not know where this origin was, where this origin was located, where this origin existed. 

Today everything is discovered, the basis of origin of all, and so the great satisfaction of all will be thrilling, due to you have encountered your true basis of origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

The battle of science has been great, the efforts of science have been great, but you could never have found it because these solutions, or this solution, could in no way, in no manner, come from the enchanted one. 

The enchanted one imagined that there was something outside this world, thinking that this world was a consequence of some other one. If this one exists, it is because there exists another one that gave consequence to this one. So, they stayed in this mathematics and never left this preamble. 

There it is, the other world has been discovered, which is the RATIONAL PLAIN,with their inhabitants, with their progress of purity, which is the consequence of this world that you are living in. 

Yes, because there is no effect without its cause. If there exists this effect, which is this deformed world, it is so because there exists the cause. The cause is precisely the part of the plain that had not been ready to enter progress, and a few got on it, not being aware of the consequences, due to them being pure ones. The result was this one that is over there, this deformation and of this pretty history. 

So, there is no effect without a cause. But if this effect exists, if this world made like this exists, it is because there is a cause. Because there is no effect without a cause, there it is, the cause for you to be like that the way you are, of the way for the world to be the way it is, of everything to be the way it is, and now it is coming, through the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, all clarifications of the reason for everything and of the reason for everyone and of the reason for everyone to be the way they are and of the reason for everything to be the way it is. 

The mysteries and enigmas have ended. There are no longer any mysteries or enigmas. All have been unveiled and solved in the book ‘UNIVERSE IN 

The disenchantment of the world, the disenchantment of everything, the disenchantment of everyone, and everyone in celebration for the rest of life because you know the beginning of this world and its end, the beginning of everything and the end of everything. So, the spiritual world in celebration and announcing the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. A lot of happiness in the entire world. And that is expected; the definition of the world and the definition of everyone has arrived. 

The celebrations will be day and night because the assurance will be unanimous of you having found what you desired and were ambitious about. 

What have you found? The place of origin! 

And so, the inhabitants of the firmament all in celebration, meaning all happy, joyful, and content because of their disenchantment and the disenchantment of the ones on Earth.

So, everyone happy and satisfied, announcing all over, everywhere, in all centers and places, the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION and its effects. 

Their happiness is great because they are also enchanted ones, in a superior category to that of the ones on Earth. 

So, there are the seeing mediums, there are the conscientious mediums, there are the unconscious mediums, and there are the sleepwalking mediums. 

And that is why the experiences of spiritualism were done in various forms because you were enchanted ones. 

You only had to vary like that. Your practices were varying in different ways from one another and today arriving to all the reason and right to the Rational formula, to the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION 

And so, everyone announcing this great happening for everyone’s good and happiness. The just and correct point, the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. Everyone announcing that the world now is entering its correct evolution, the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, because it has arrived in the world the true knowledge of its generation, formation, and creation. 

The owner of the world has opened the doors of the true redemption of all. Now the world down there below will be under the reign of the true world up here above and the influence of the spirits will cease because this way of experiences is already surpassed and because the world is entering in its true real Rational phase. 


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sábado, 27 de fevereiro de 2021



O dever de quem não sabe, não é protestar aquilo que desconhece, e sim, procurar conhecer de fio a pavio, para depois, entao, saber o que diz. A mania dos embrutecidos e atrasados, é  sempre a de impugnar o que não conhece, como coisa que conhecesse. Depois que alcança o seu conhecimento e vêem que é uma coisa que lhes convêm: "Ah! Se eu soubesse há mais tempo o que era isso, já teria o segurado de unhas e dentes. Era isso que eu andava procurando, mas como no mundo só se vêem mentiras e fantasias,  eu julgava que êsse  conhecimento fôsse igual aos outros, que existiam e existem no mundo. Eu me enganei na minha ciência muito fraca e traiçoeira".

(Mais detalhes deste conhecimento: nos livros Universo em Desencanto)



Le devoir de celui qui ne sait pas, ce n'est pas de protester contre ce qu'il méconnaît, mais de connaître de A a Z pour ensuite savoir ce qu'il dit. La manie des abrutis et des arriérés est toujours de s'opposer à ce qu'ils ne connaissent pas, comme s'ils connaissaient. Lorsqu'ils atteignent cette connaissance, ils voient que cela leur convient: 

"Ah! Si j'avais su que c'était  cela, il y a longtemps que je l'aurais saisi de toutes mes forces. C'était cela que je cherchais, mais comme nous voyions seulement des mensonges et des mascarades dans le monde,  je jugeais que cette connaissance était semblable à d'autres qui existaient et qui existent dans le monde. Je me suis trompé dans ma science très faible et trompeuse "

( Plus de détails dans livres: Univers en Désenchantement Auteur : Rationnel Supérieur)

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A cabeça do ser humano é um relógio com sete ponteiros.

Cada ponteiro marca a sua ação, a qual é refletida no pensamento e no sentimento.
Assim, as vistas são os dois ponteiros da visão.

A boca, o ponteiro do paladar.

O nariz o ponteiro do olfato.

E os ouvidos, os ponteiros do som.

Todos esses ponteiros marcam o bom e o ruim.

Se a pessoa provou isto ou aquilo, achou bom ou ruim; cheirou isso ou aquilo, achou bom ou ruim; ouviu isso ou aquilo, achou bom ou ruim.

São os ponteiros que regulam a vida do ser humano, quando o relógio é normal.

Mas quando o relógio está variando, por alguma enfermidade mental, vem a desregulagem dos ponteiros.

( pag.38, 1° Réplica, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR)





The deformation of the part of the Plain that had been melting, becoming a gum and after melted, became water, at the same time that the other part of the same plain, which had the resin and this resin, with the heat of the light focus, started to clump, and after clumped, it started to roast, becoming ashes; completed their state of deformation when the water, penetrating in the ashes, with time, rotted, generating from this rotting, microbes of all kinds. 

Then, this amount of Rationals who entered into this part that was not yet ready to enter progress and due to not being ready, it started to deform and this deformation caused the dislocation from the Plain that is up here, and as they progressed, that part of the plain, not yet ready for progress was going down and also down with it were those Rationals, also deforming and losing the virtues. 

And as they lost their virtues, these were accumulating, and after a certain time, all gathered, they started to deform into a light focus. In what degree were they already? In the second degree. This was when the light focus started. 

As they deformed themselves, everything was going down and distancing each time more from that focus. When they got to the third degree, they were already in the end of extinction of those bodies. And then, those who extinguished on the resin deformed into ashes generated the female sex and those who extinguished themselves on the Plain transformed into gum generated the male sex. They were here in the beginning of the third degree. And it took a long eternity for the formation of these bodies.

The light increased, each time more, its warmth and thus came the formation of other bodies, much different from these. As the deformation progressed, the bodies were modifying; they were not as you are in today’s generation; as the present generation is very different from the generation of thousands of years ago. The bodies formed initially were deaf, mute, and blind, and only later the vision spring up. No one understood each other. They saw, but did not know to divulge what they saw. And so, they took a long eternity and were already in the fourth degree. 

They understood each other by waves and then, the voice coming, they yelped and howled. They stayed there for a great eternity. When they got to the fifth degree of deformation, they already understood each other by howling and yelping. The light focus always warming, each time more everything was going down. The heat always stronger, penetrated deeply into the ashes and into the gum and everything melting and going down, while the understanding was by howling and yelping. 

They got to the sixth degree, the sixth degree of the deformation and started to loosen the voice. They were stutterers. They all stuttered, but did not understand each other with this stuttering. During the seventh degree, more advanced. In this seventh progress of the deformation, a large part of the Plain had already become ash. 

The virtues of these deformed ashes, as it was deforming and losing its virtues, caused those virtues to gather, causing the formation of the moon. The moon, even though formed, did not show up, starting to gather on it the virtues of the resin, of the plain, and of parts from the Rational’s bodies. During this degree, they were already advanced stutterers.

During the eighth degree, even more advanced stutterers, starting, during this phase, to gather the virtues of the Plain and the resin for the formation of the stars, which, in that time, were only in formation, did not yet show up. Ninth degree, progress of much more advanced stutterers, but they were not yet of understanding, however, they loosened their voices each time more. 

During the tenth degree, they were stutterers with some understanding, but very vague. Eleventh degree, more advanced, by a little bit. Twelfth degree, the same way. In this phase, the resin, with its deformation already well developed.

During the thirteenth degree, the water penetrated extensively underneath these ashes of the resin. The solid parts stayed and the non-solid went down and the water, taken over these places, originating the separation of the lands. The non-solid parts with the penetration of water underneath submerged, and the solid parts are those that are there. It was in this thirteenth progress that these divisions started. 

Now you ask: "-And why does the sea move?" I say: because the sea is alive and produces lives. 

Furthermore you ask: "-And why does freshwater move very little?" Because it also has life, but it does not have the strength of its life, like of the sea. 

"-It does not have the strength of the sea, why?" Because freshwater has a tranquil and placid life and the life of the sea is agitated. 

Then, when the separation of lands caused by water began, the moon started to appear; very little showing itself. In the fourteenth degree started to be born vegetation completely different from of those you know, because in that time it did not yet rain.

Progress was still of stutterers and the living beings, from so much effort for stuttering, felt the throat drying up and started to make use of water little by little. With time, they were increasing its use, originating the dilation of the organs. 

During the fifteenth degree, they started to make use of some vegetables; they were still stutterers with insignificant understanding, and in space there was already a large quantity of vapor, which came out from the ashes and water, produced by the light focus, which warmed up each time more, its intensity. This vapor, accumulating up to a certain height, with time turned into water, producing a drizzle, and during this phase it is when rain started and during this same progress, also the generation of animals appeared. 

In the sixteenth degree started the dilation of the organs. 

Until then, they were eternal, but did not have an understanding of things. In the seventeenth degree they were well developed and so was the deformation, starting then to use vegetables in abundance; it was when the first cases of death appeared. 

New generations started during this progress and they lasted a long eternity. They died and were born, died and were born stutterers, with little understanding of things. They eat the vegetables that appealed to them and, among them, the poisonous ones, which they did not know and thus eat them and died. It started, there, the new generations, the new understandings; they started to pay attention to what was good and to what was bad, due to eating it and feeling bad. It came then, in this seventeenth progress, many generations. In the eighteenth degree, the moon already appeared with its modifications and the stars too; the deformation was almost entirely completed. Day and night started to appear, due to the sun making its trajectory; setting and rising, setting and rising.

Nineteenth degree, nineteenth eternity, with a lot of understanding about things. The vegetation completely modified, due to day and night already existing; and, at this stage, it already rained, a little, but it did rained. During the twentieth degree, in progress the new generations and new understandings; regular understandings, but they did not yet have knowledge of things. 

Only when they got to the twenty-first degree, it is when they started to understand each other normally. 

With the intensity of the heat and its accumulation, which rose, it was when the rains started and the living beings started to hide in dens and huts, to make shelters, and only much later, during this twenty-first progress, it is when started the first steps you are now living. Before those first steps began, they already understood each other and life was of exchange. 

And so, there it is these data, for certifying how you were coming down and why these degrees are there, what they mean, and what they correspond to.


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"And so, everyone goes around to see if they get it right or not; it happens or not. Everyone always lives like that, horribly, in the uncertainty of this, in the uncertainty of this, in the doubt of that, suspicious of everything, thinking a lot of things. Always experimenting to see if it works out. And because they live, science started to understand that everyone had a spirit.

 In RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, on the contrary. There are no doubts.  You don't live from experiences.  One does not live in suspicion, because it gives us the true knowledge of natural things and teaches us the why of the world, the why of everything, proving and proving the truth of truths. (Page 163/164, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: When we start reading the books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, the RATIONAL SUPERIOR (its Author), in the chapter entitled "INTRODUCTION", says: "In this Work, there are all the teachings of the beginning and end of the world, dictated by RATIONAL SUPERIOR, to manage the Rational Knowledge. What are these Rational Knowledge based on? Are they based on true personality? Rational Knowledge, are all the bases of being supreme to everything and everyone, to make everyone known where they came from, how they came, where they are going and how they are going ".  It is clear that the Rational Knowledge has the character of the true personality and that they have a basis! And now, He tells us that these Knowledge also have proof and proof! And what evidence and evidence is there?  All of them are personal proofs and evidences that the reader gets in his life with the development of the Racional study! Well, these personal tests are translated by the physical, moral and financial balance that the reader acquires, as he puts into practice the knowledge that he obtains with daily reading!

In addition to these, there is the development of the Rational part of the human body and the Rational part of nature of which we are a part!  and why this happens?  Because there was a phase change in nature! Before, nature was governed by two energies: electric and magnetic and now, with the change of phase, nature is now governed by Rational Energy, an energy hitherto unknown to humanity and coming from a World Superior to that of  ours, which is the RATIONAL WORLD (our real world of origin).  At the right time, we will talk in more detail about this phase change in nature and its consequences.

Regarding the development of the Rational part of the body, we can say that it will only bring improvements to the human being, translated into improved health, quality of life, intelligence, perception, vision, etc.  Regarding the vision, the daily study of the Work makes possible the development of the so-called Rational Scrying which, after being developed by Rational Energy, will make all of humanity see its true World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD and get in touch with its Inhabitants, which are these Luminous Bodies that are appearing here in the firmament, in different ways, different ways, ways and colors!

So, my friends, get to know this great Culture, to be graced by all these tests and evidences inherent to each and every human being! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!

Contacts and book orders can be done by the following emails:

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"Vivem todos nesta faina de aventureiros, como uns descoordenados de si mesmos, esquecendo o que são, julgando serem o que não são, convencidos pelo esquecimento, de que tudo isso é fonte de perdidos e um inferno singular. E por isso, ninguém nunca apurou, nem podia apurar porque há isso no mundo, porque há essa formação assim. E agora, EU, o RACIONAL SUPERIOR, dando a conhecer a todos o princípio e o fim desse mundo, de todos e de tudo; de onde saíram e porque saíram; de onde vieram, como vieram e para onde vão. 

O mundo aproxima-se de suas últimas fases de decadência sobre todas essas teses que, ao invés de trazerem melhorias, somente trazem tudo de mal a pior. A ilusão traindo todos, a aparência também e todos nesses jogos de dores, flagelos e desassossegos de todos os tamanhos, de todos os jeitos, vivendo aí, nesse inferno, sujeitos a tudo e encontrando só sofrimentos e cada vez mais sofrimentos. E EU, o RACIONAL SUPERIOR, com eata Escrituração, levando a todos a libertação do jugo amargo, por meio da IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL.  Agora, pergunta o vivente: - "O que é isso? O que é IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL? Como é? Como não é? Leia do princípio ao fim e saberá tudo, tintim por tintim. E assim, aos filhos do fogo, que são todos os seres, é preciso lembrar sempre de onde tudo isso surgiu." (Pag. 130/131, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).


CONSIDERAÇÕES: Então, a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL é um outro modo de se viver? Não resta a menor sombra de dúvidas! Um vivente imunizado é um vivente equilibrado; é um conhecedor de si mesmo; sabe de onde veio, sabe para onde vai, como veio e como vai; conhece por completo o mundo em que vive e muito além ainda; conhece o seu Mundo de Origem, sabe como de lá saiu e sabe como aqui veio parar nas condições em que está; sabe como sair das condições em que está (de Animal Racional, pensador, sofredor e mortal) e retornar ao seu estado natural de ser Racional puro, limpo, perfeito e de vida eterna! 

E o que é preciso fazer para o vivente se imunizar? Basta ler e reler, de forma reflexiva, atenciosa e estudiosa, as páginas brilhantes do Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO! E essa leitura proíbe o vivente de alguma coisa? De forma nenhuma! A Cultura Racional não é contra nada, não é contra ninguém, é em favor de todos e de tudo, porque todos são filhos de Deus!

E por que a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL não chegou há mais tempo no mundo? Porque só agora é que chegaram as instruções de como adquiri-la! Como assim? Porque antes estávamos sendo preparados para, depois de preparados, alcançarmos o amadurecimento necessário para entendê-la e compreendê-la; porque antes estávamos na fase de Animal Racional, na fase da civilização, uma fase de preparação do ser humano para entender e compreender a existência de um Mundo Superior (de onde tudo e todos somos originários), com sua Cultura Superior, capaz de esclarecer ao homem (com base, lógica, provas e comprovações) de onde ele veio, como veio, por que veio, para onde vai, como vai e por que vai.

Tudo isso é encontrado agora na IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL, porque houve uma mudança de fase, de regência na natureza! Da fase de animal Racional para a Fase Racional; porque houve a união dos dois mundos em um só! Isso mesmo, meus amigos! Do mundo de cima, que é o MUNDO RACIONAL, com o mundo debaixo, que é esse aqui da matéria, onde vivemos. 

Então, meus amigos, conheçam a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL, a maior dádiva de todos os tempos! (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria).

Saudações Racionais a todos!



RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION and everyone covered by it have the possibility to be happy in everything, because they know the end and beginning of everything. RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION can take over of everyone very naturally. Like this insignificant comparison: the sun with its light focus, illuminates everything and everyone, so everyone can see what the eyes can reach, or what is in the eyes reach. The immunization on the same condition, only different because from the sun you see the light and from the immunization you feel it, and with time you will be able to see it. You see the sun’s light because you know that the sun belongs to this deformed world and for being deformed, you only see by means of fire, because the deformation is made by fire. 

Because you are like that, it is that you at first do not see RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION; you only feel it. And on this feeling, through this contact with it, it is all you need to know everything. It is a different light, which you do not see right away because you are not pure; you are neither clean nor perfect, but deformed, as you already know why you are what you are. 

After everyone is immunized, the sun will be replaced with this light, which is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, because this light governs the sun and all planets. I being immunized, the influence of the sun will be null, because you will not be depending on it to see and know how things are. You will be depending on RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which clarifies
everything for whoever it may be, what is wished and what is needed.

Then, the primitive ones to be immunized will be dominated by this light, which is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. Night and day illuminated and many times not even noticing it, due to the worries, distractions, but they are immunized anyhow. As the sun lights up Earth night and day, the immunized one will also be illuminated night and day. Yes, there are the night rays of the sun, which turn about Earth, like a kind of shadow from a body. The shadow is the reflection; it is the ray of life that the sun generates. 

Once the living being is immunized, everything goes on progressing naturally, for his own good. And due to everyone inthe world needs it, which is the living being that would not want to become immunized? 

The living being asks: "-Is it, then, a kind of another life?" 

And I reply: no question about it! The immunized one does not suffer at all and the enchanted one suffers each time more. The immunized one always from good to better, and the enchanted one always from bad to worse. 

If you now think that suffering in the world is horrible, the more you march into this enchantment, the worse you will get, always. Because suffering is already irresistible, and always getting worse, it is why when the Writing starts to be announced, when the world will know what this is about, there will be no one who will not take it with nails and teeth. 

And so, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, very soon, will be known to all. 

The deformation has a strong influence on mortality. And for being the law of deformation so veridical, it is that there is the transformation over everything in all points of view. Everything transforms and because everything transforms, that is why the mortality reigns in the world.

No one dies; no one disappears, but transforms. Everything is so done by the law of the deformed nature; that is why the transformations of everything arise from that: of ideas, of wishes, thoughts, and ways of behaving. The living beings, in life, 
transform their ways of behaving, their culture, their way to act, their way to face things, and what they like. There it is the law of deformation. Due to being deformed, it is why you pass by these transformations. 

Everything transforms; since from generation, since from start of the body’s formation and after the body is made there always is infinity of transformations. Today the living being has one thought, after years he has another, and so on, always on modifying. With the law of transformation nobody can afford, because it is a natural law, the law that rules everyone and everything natures. Today the living being is young, jumps, skips, and does everything; tomorrow he is old, with a stick in the hand, goes on living shuffling his feet. 

No one can afford the natural law. It takes the pitcher to its place and the muses to the recognition of life of puissance and greediness bad reflected. And so, everything reaches the conclusion I have always stated. RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION will reign among all, universally, very soon. 

Therefore, brilliant days, brilliant steps, and brilliant times of successive glories. Culminating days, culminating treasure, and culminating hours multiplied for good. Veredictum always right, which is written there on these pages. Brilliant Rational words, which never were nonsense words.


Contacts and book orders can be done by the following emails:

orders@universeindisenchantment.comoreuadorovoces@yahoo.comor by phone:(562) 818-473


sexta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2021



"Therefore, for the living being to be regulated, only after being immunized and to become immunized, to achieve immunization, it is only necessary to read. The living person is gradually being immunized. And over time, as he reads, he advances  it is about natural knowledge, until you are completely immunized. It is very practical, effortless and without sacrifice. It is this knowledge that everyone needs. And to achieve this knowledge it is only necessary to read. "  (Page 189/190, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: The popular saying goes: "knowledge does not occupy a place". We all live in this world based on knowledge, on knowledge passed down through generations and generations, without ever being able to basically question the knowledge transmitted. A kind of artificial knowledge, which does not delve deeply into the elementary issues of being and the living conditions of beings. A knowledge aimed only at a superficial analysis, for an analysis only of the facts of daily life and the problems arising from them, disregarding the maxim that "there is no effect without a cause", that there is a reason for everything, that  nothing happens by chance and by chance.

Today, we are suffering the consequences of this apparent, artificial, superficial knowledge, as we see in the daily news about the situation of humanity! Humanity is plunged into the existential crisis;  involved in internal and external conflicts; who lives in constant unrest and without security;  plagued by waves of violence and attacks around the world; without freedom of expression and without freedom to come and go;  oppressed by an ideology in favor of a few and to the detriment of many, in short, all sorts of ill-treatment!

And the big question that does not want to remain silent is: how did we get to this situation if we are civilized beings today? It is necessary and necessary to seek a knowledge that explains to us, based and with logic, how we arrived at this situation and the reason, the reasons, the causes of the world to be like this! It is from this knowledge that we all, without distinction, need to know how to resolve and solve the serious crisis that we are going through!

Only superior wisdom, from a Higher World, endowed with highly cultural, constructive and peaceful knowledge can free us from the abyss! This Knowledge, has now arrived on Earth, coming directly from the World of Origin of everything and everyone, for the definitive solution of everything and everyone! That knowledge, my friends, is contained in the Books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria).  Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!

Contacts and book orders can be done by the following emails:

orders@universeindisenchantment.comoreuadorovoces@yahoo.comor by phone:(562) 818-473




"Entretanto, surge agora aí no mundo, a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL. Nasceu no Brasil a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL, para as novas gerações que, quando chegarem aí, nesse mundo, a adotarão, por ser ela uma compreensão só e por serem todos por um e um por todos.

E quem é este um? É o RACIONAL SUPERIOR. 

Tudo isto é para chegarem à conclusão de que a vida é boa e não é só o mal que impera; o bem também impera. O mal só impera com os maus que acabam mal. O bem impera com os bons que acabam bem, por terem em si, o bem, administrado pelo Ser Supremo a tudo e a todos." (Pág 135, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERAÇÕES: Neste trecho, o RACIONAL SUPERIOR comunica ao mundo e ao universo, onde nasceu a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL!  Sim, porque frequentemente falamos acerca Dela! Mas onde tudo isso começou? E  quando? 

Então, a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL nasceu no Brasil, no antigo Distrito Federal (hoje Estado do Rio de Janeiro), no bairro do Méier, na Rua Lopes da Cruz, número 89 e no dia 4 de outubro de 1935.

As primeiras palavras pronunciadas pelo RACIONAL SUPERIOR, na Terra, foram as seguintes: "quem és Tu, que a ilusão é tanta, que és incapaz de definir o teu Eu? Sabeis vós que sois uns corpos imprudentes, num abismo de dia para dia, por ambicionardes tudo quanto é de material...".

Então, meus amigos, vocês devem estar se indagando: e quem é esse RACIONAL SUPERIOR? O RACIONAL SUPERIOR é de um mundo muito superior ao nosso. Não é espírito. É um vivente como os daqui da Terra, diferente apenas, porque não é terreno. E por ser de um mundo superior ao nosso, ELE é um Raciocínio Superior a todos os Raciocínios, o Raciocínio Supremo! 

Assim sendo, hoje o mundo tem a primazia de contar com os Conhecimentos Racionais, revelando quem somos, de onde viemos, para onde vamos e como vamos! Sendo certo que todo esse Conhecimento nasceu no Brasil, país berço da IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL, da paz, do amor, da fraternidade e da concórdia universal! (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria).

Saudações Racionais a todos!

quinta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2021


Saudações Racionais a todos! 

Desde os primórdios da história humana, o homem indaga-se a respeito de sua origem, do seu surgimento na vida da matéria, da origem do mundo, da origem da matéria e do que existia, antes de existir a matéria! Questionamentos que ultrapassaram gerações e mais gerações, que transpassaram por civilizações adiantadissimas, sem que houvesse respostas claras, convincentes, contundentes e que fossem admitidas por todos! Os mistérios continuavam até hoje! 

Mas agora, existe uma Cultura de um mundo muito superior ao nosso que revela todos esses segredos e outros mais e desvenda todos esses mistérios e outros mais! Ah, e com base, lógica, provas e uma infinidade de comprovações! E que Cultura é essa? E que mundo superior é esse? A Cultura, minha gente, é a Cultura Racional contida nos Livros Universo em Desencanto! E o mundo Superior é o Mundo Racional, do qual somos originários e do qual todo esse Universo conhecido e desconhecido se originou! O Mundo que é a Raiz Mestra da Fecundação Universal!  

Vocês podem estar pensando ou até mesmo dizendo: mais uma estória para engambelar a humanidade, não é verdade? Então façam o teste de São Tomé e venham ver para se certificarem da maior descoberta de todos os tempos e da maior realidade universal, que é o Conhecimento que revela todos os segredos e todos os mistérios que envolviam a origem da vida, do homem, do mundo e sua criação, geração e formação! Esse dia tinha que chegar em algum momento e esse dia chegou! 

Um bom dia Racional a todos!

( Antonio dos Santos)


  CÓMO ES LA INMUNIZACIÓN Existen los ciegos de ojos abiertos, que no acreditarán que esto vendrá para vuestro tiempo. Argumentando de diver...