Postagens em Destaque

segunda-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2024



"Therefore, those who see things as they are will always be considered and will always be above suffering. They will stop carrying crosses full of torment, as many living beings go through to the point of going mad, seeing the moment when they will no longer be able to live like this, without knowing what they are going to do with their lives. They are the stubborn and rebellious ones, who are unaware of the true natural order of things and stop being guided by them, to be guided by the wrong of the wrongs, always making mistakes, thus going from bad to worse. This is for those who confuse the true natural with the natural created by their ancestors, thus creating this confusion that you are seeing. No one understands each other, big and small. The confusion is between all layers. At the same time that they are agreeing, they are disagreeing, because of this natural that is not the true one. You see, you are betrayed by a fantasy, living only in hypocrisy; that is why the world has become a madhouse. Therefore, do not be fooled. base it on worldly things, because those who do so suffer greatly, and those who recognize this great error win through natural methods, achieving everything they desire." (Page 147/148, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: It is necessary and necessary for us to understand and comprehend that we are living in this world, but that we are outside of our true natural state! And because we are outside of our natural state, we do not have the right to live here and we live with extreme difficulty, exposed to all natural and artificial evils, to all diseases and to all misfortunes.

And why does this happen? Because we live in a world whose reason for its existence we do not know and because we live in this world, unknown to ourselves! This is the condition of life of the human being in this Earthly Galaxy! No one knows why they were born here; no one knows why they appeared here; No one knows where they came from, much less where they are going after death!

This total lack of knowledge about our existence represents a void in the lives of many and despair for those who seek to know what is right about things.

As a result, countless human beings live because they have life, but have lost the taste and pleasure of living! And many take tortuous paths, because they lack the true knowledge that explains to them how to live life.

Then, the inevitable question arises: why is life like this and what happened to bring it to this disturbing and worrying situation? What were the reasons that determined the direction of life in this direction? Is there still a way out? Or is it that life and the world no longer have a solution?

For many modern thinkers, life and the world no longer have a solution! However, they forget the fundamental prism of existence: no one owns life, much less the world! So, how can we say that life and the world no longer have a solution, if we were not the ones who created life, much less the world?

Today, through the knowledge contained in the books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, we are realizing that life and the world have a solution! And that the solution is in the hands of the Owner of life and the world! And the Owner is here, present, now, providing all the clarifications and giving us all the complete, precise and necessary resources to find all the solutions for life and the world!

So, my friends, get to know the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, to get your lives right in a definite and definitive way! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Vejam agora, como as confusões sempre foram tremendas, por não poderem descortinar o porquê desse encanto pavoroso...