Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 8 de setembro de 2024



This Work has the amazing utility of making the prose, pride, presumption and vanity disappear. Many people will find it difficult saying that this solution, herein explained in this Work, will not be able to be brought to the public.

Now, there it is in everyone's hands, the truth of truths, which everyone implores since long. Now, appeared there among all what, since long, everyone in the world implores, for being the suffering too much and unbearable in the entire world.

One can already live in the world, because one has life and has to live, because living as everyone lives, it is not worth living. In certain moments, one lost the pleasure in life.
The world was indeed left to deceit and the street organ played just one music: suffering; and the more suffering, the more everyone had to suffer.

However, within a short time, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION will be the order of the day in all places, in all corners, and in all holes. You will only count on RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, reading persistently to become immunized and meeting with all your wishes of eternal happiness, eternal salvation consummated.

In a short time, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION will be put above everything and everyone, transforming this deformation of the world to the natural state, through the Rational knowledge, done by RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.

You always talked about Rational in the whole world, but you did not know how it was. You talked about Rational (as you talk), but you live suffering more than animals or wild beasts.

RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION will be accepted by everyone, known and recognized as the greatest treasure in the world, as the purest thing that could exist.

Everyone becoming immunized, everyone finding the relative comfort on all points of view of themselves, knowing why you were born there, why you have been born there, where you came from, where you are going to and how you are going.

Greater happiness, greater contentment, and universal joy will not exist! This is the greatest universal surprise.

The deceit will end this cataclysm of mystification, the self-suggestion. Everything disappearing once and for all, ending with this misery-maintaining content of all of this fight without base, of all of these waves of illusion, of all of this infernal prelude, of all of this life, where only evil shines, in this immense hole which is the world.

All of you there live in this hole looking up to the sky and finding it difficult in your imagination to unveil these mysteries, saying that the world is a phenomenon, an enchantment that cannot be unveiled, full of unsolvable great mysteries that man's imagination cannot solve.

Then, you keep saying: "-We have here this hypocrite knowledge, always learning and never reaching a solution for things.

Of truth, we know nothing. The world is a pantheon of misery, an enchanted palace, a tribunal of bitterness due to our imagination not being able to unveil the mysteries that are enclosed in this vast immensity that our sight cannot reach.

The sun does not speak to us, the moon the same way, and the stars also. We are loners over here, living in this huge solitude, learning at our own costs, through immense sacrifices, from experiences without end, in this way and means of life we adopted, but no one is happy with, due to us being always incomplete in everything because we are alienated and absent from all true knowledge."

And the living being continues with his lamentation: "- Our imagination could never bring the knowledge of why we are like that. Our imagination is already exhausted and that is why there are so many people in the world and so little knowledge."

That is true, the knowledge of everyone in this world is illusionism, it is illusion; and because everyone lives in illusion like that, that is why suffering has always progressed each time more to the point that everyone became misunderstood and that is why all understandings have been transitory. Today you understand each other very well; tomorrow you are in disagreement on everything and about all points of view. And so, you go wandering in this twilight, rowing against the tide, thinking that you shine because you have life, but do not know why you live.

Now it is that you are knowing and becoming aware of the secret of this hole and can look up here and say: "-I see the firmament and know why I see it, I know why I am here in this world. The sun is up there and we are here in this hole, on this earth, but now I know why I am stepping on it. I stopped living by groping like I was when I tried to understand everything and knew nothing about this origin."

Everyone lives in this world trying to verify this big knowledge, which is a knowledge that does not satisfy and because of it, the suffering is each time bigger. Where there is suffering, there is no knowledge, because if you knew, you would not suffer. Therefore, what is the use of this knowledge which only brings suffering?

You all live in illusion like animals, deceived, with these affabilities made by the illusions, and you let yourselves be caught by this unworthy misfortune, in which everything is summarized and from one moment to the next, you understand that this is a grave knowledge, a knowledge of lost ones, of condemned ones because you could never know why you are like that, convicted to death by nature itself, which is unknown by anyone.

You live with knowledge of condemned ones, wherein you don't even know why you live. You cannot be aware of what you do because you are not aware of why you are like that.

This is the truth that many living beings see and find in the world the nullity of everything, the nullity of their own being, because they understand that they live in this so disgusting sludge, that their beginning of formation was from sludge, and that they will end up in sludge. And then, they keep conjecturing: "-Who knows whether we came from sludge, but a different sludge from this one, a sludge unknown to ourselves?" There are living beings who think like that and say that the world is such an impostor and because of it they know nothing and because of it they are sufferers.

All of that are lamentations of many scientists who want to see the reason of things, but because they got embargoed and did not find the satisfactory conclusion, they say to themselves: "-All is possible! There will come the time when this blindness will end and these deep mysteries unveiled, because the world with its evolution will come to that desired point."

And so, destroyed by ignorance, stunned by the surprise of great relevance, when meeting with difficulties, you will say that this or that cannot be, but in time, you will find the easiness. Nothing can be solved by those who do not have the knowledge of the solution, and for this, many people will find the Work difficult, saying that this solution, herein clarified in this Work, will not be possible to be brought to the public,
well clear and crystalline to all. Today you can see by what ways and means these solutions arise among everyone and for

Therefore, everything is impossible to whom does not know, but possible to whom knows. And so, the confusion
reigns in all sciences, for improvements, exactness and certification of things. Because science knows nothing, you
could not find these solutions or solution to the world and everyone.

Only now, in the teachings of this Work, it is that you are knowing why you are like that, with this defined base from the beginning to the end.

All topics, all requisites and requested improved, lapidated, form a great junction of an angelical greatness for the Rational universal equilibrium, through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.

The duty of whom do not know is not to protest what they do not know, but to attempt to know it from the beginning to the end, so afterwards, knowing what is saying.

The mania of the rude ones and the delayed ones is to impugn what they do not know, as if they knew it; after they reach the knowledge and realize it is something which interest them, they say: "-Oh, if I knew this since longer I would have grabbed it with nails and teeth. That is what I was looking for, but as we only see lies and fantasies in the world, I thought that this knowledge was like the others that existed and exist in the world. I was mistaken in my weak and betraying science.

And so, recognizing the wisdom and pride of many, who think they know, but know nothing, admit nothing, it is that this Work has the amazing utility of making disappear the prose, pride, presumption and vanity.

This is how I respond to those whom based and base upon the weak science, unconscious and null, embraced by the mortals, for you not to say that RATIONAL SUPERIOR did not warn you in conditions.

Scorns and jokes are for those who do not know what they are saying and much less what they are doing.

All will reach with their hearts open to the only path they need to follow, so everyone may get back to their place of origin. Defeated are those who thought impossible the redemption of the world, without them first knowing what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is.

There are living beings who are just like that. Very ahead in their opinions, without knowing about what they opine. Later they say: "-I was mistaken. I thought it was one thing and it was another!"

So it happens with the advanced ones who do not know or are aware what they are and how they are, but go ahead advancing their opinions as if they knew what they were talking about.

For being from Rational origin, it is that all living beings have probabilities of becoming immunized. Due to the own nature of everyone being from Rational Origin it is why nature and its beings adapt to RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.

To become immunized means: unite yourself to purity. Being immunized is the same as being pure, because you already have your virtues that were in the seven particles transported from that deformation to the natural state, to the true formation, Rational, on the Plain up here, even though still in life, you live enclosed there in that enchantment.

So, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION means so many other things that were already mentioned here and everyone knows about.

Life is made of those clumsy beings that made everyone be enchanted.

Enchantment is so scary, because you came from nothing and because you came from nothing you did not know how you came about, or that you were made out of that nothing. That is the reason you did not know how you were made, you did not know how you were made from the nothing and much less knew the reason of this apparent everything. You did not know the nothing and much less the everything.

You did not know the world and its deeds. And so, for being made of nothing, it is that you never knew how you were made and much less what you were before that nothing was formed, why that nothing was formed, how that nothing was formed to the formation of that apparent everything. You, UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT so, became completely unaware of your own origin and of the origin of everything; reason why you stay enchanted. Enchanted because you did not know how to give solutions or solution of the origin of your being, of all beings and of the world.



TRECHOS RACIONAIS.  Enfim, nesta conjectura da vida, que é o raciocínio ou o pensamento, encontra o ser humano dificuldades para se libertar...