Postagens em Destaque

sexta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2024



Life is an unprecedented triumph, for being constitute of doubts and redoubts in all points of view about life.

If life was not as it is and as you know it, without warranties, it would be superb, full of marvels. But, because it is not so, it is full of doubts, the discouragement exists, and from discouragement comes the dislikes and the aggravations in life. Then the living being goes through life mostly bored than happy, more annoyed than satisfied, due to not knowing and or be able how to judge life.

While the living being is dominated by the illusions, has life as a symbol of marvels; but after the illusion disappears, it gets real and sees as a symbol of suffering, of deceit and mislead, due to life being thorny as it is.

"-And does everyone get free of illusion?" I say: yes, there is nobody, poor or rich, who after living a certain time, does not get real, because to what one is exposed, everyone else is so too. Each one living his bitterness, due to the means and ways of living. Everyone passing by his cruel strokes.

Then, how should the living being face life? With all despise, focusing on things of its convenience and be tolerant in the peaceful environment, which is the carefreeness environment.

The excessive worries torment the living being, and sometimes seems to be in a hell in life, convinced that this life is hell. These passages are due to the living being wanting to exhibit a certain status and this status, always bring excessive worries. There it is the hell, the highest discontentment, for those who do not cultivate the tranquil life, placid, without worries.

What is an environment worth wherein the living being lives full of worrying and fights? Fights bring the complaints and aggravations that pester the living being himself, due to them, usually, do not knowing how to live. That is why, in the world, are all of these confusions; being the suffering the biggest brilliant of the day among all degrees, and the belligerence, never mind it. All warring to win and the world as real house of crazy ones, or a hospice. No one understands each other, many times not even themselves, because they do not know what they want. Many times you are well, but think you are bad, and when bad, you think you are well.

And why was life formed like that, among the living? Because life and its belongings are all in doubts, generating, due to doubt, the methods of conquering. Then the living being says: "-If I conquered that, I'd be fine; if I conquered this I'd be happy; if I'd get that, life would be different." The living being conquers all of these and does not feel happy. Why? Because he lives in uncertainty.

Many times the rich cries and complains of being rich, asking what its richness is worth, because has much money, but not the main thing, which is peace, living in constant worries and the fights are too much.

What is it worth having all of this if it spends nights after nights wanting to sleep without being able to?

Then the rich one many times, envying the life of the carefree poor one, the poor one who goes on life smiling, because nothing worries him and loves the life he has; he says to himself: "-If the poor one did not have love for life, he would turn against the rich ones, but because he has love for his life, he exhibit poverty with satisfaction. He eats a plate of food, without much worry, he lays down on a bed and does not remember anything anymore. What a happy life these people have, how happy they live! And what is my happiness, if I seem to be happy, but the worries contradict all of it?" And so, with the worries, the rich ends up suffering the most.

Now I say: yes, because we get tired of everything; we get tired of feeling good and also of feeling bad, and what bores is no good. And so, when the living being gets to know all of these things on the world and many more other things about what life is, imagine and say: "-I am fortunate, because I know how I should live."

Everything bores: trips, travels, everything the living being possesses, which are only good while the living being does not have it; afterwards, it loses its value and the living being, with time, sets it aside, due to everything being good while it does not bore, and everything in life is so. A new clothe, while this does not tire, it is worn at all times, but put to the side after the living being gets tired of that style, that color. And so it is with everything, for all living beings of both sexes.

Therefore, there is nothing like a serene life, with worries, but worries that do not wear us out, tolerable worries, worries you can stand. And the living being asks: "-And this life will last in these conditions forever?" I say: No! From what you already know, from RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, you know that many transformations will come, always for the better, always changes for the better and the entire world will live happier, after everyone gets to know RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. Those who are in illusion will come to reality. Illusion will only persists while the living being is in darkness, like it is with the entire world, everyone wrong, deceiving yourselves, in doubting of everything, in uncertainty of everything.

And so, the appearances are the causers of this hurricane of feeding this suffering. The living being use to say that is very happy that who has much money. Mistakenly, because if you get to know the intimate life of the rich, you will see what happens and become very discouraged because it is not in the money that anyone's happiness resides.



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