The premature good is for all of those who search it, and evil is also found when searched.
Life is not only the base of evil. The evil base only hits those who are unsheltered by the Supreme Force to everything and everyone.
The Supreme Force is the base of the living beings who have their signs and planets of great influence, that is why they shine for a while, but later, due to not understand the beyond and not seek the invisible base, unpleasant thing start to happen in their lives, and the better they are, they go from bad to worse. As there are there on the world, there are riches without peace, millionaires and people highly well situated with no peace, because it is not in the money everything that the living being needs to an equilibrated march in his life. If money brought health, the rich ones would not lose it, as are a whole lot of things that you get in life when the living beings have them in their sign and planets.
The influence of the planet and sign, which are belongings of life, is fruit of a study originated in Arabia, done by the ancient wise men. Arabia is a country of many tales, many stories, and much romanticism, where there were, in other times, gold and marble castles. These castles, with time passing, were being demolished and the people adopted new systems. But there is no one, still today, who does not appreciate the old Arabia's past, with its stories, tales and romance of past days.
There were wise men born in Arabia, veteran connoisseurs of astrology, who searched for the map of life that everyone brings on the hands. And with the lapidation of the astrologic science, they started to pay attention to the celestial bodies for many and many centuries, noticing their movements and naming them as planet and sign. This study was spread throughout all Asia, becoming universally known afterwards.
At those times science was all natural and they communicated with the celestial bodies naturally, the living being acquiring, this way, everything he needs. The wise men thus proved to each person the reason he was born, what he had to be, what he was going on in life, and what would happen in each person's life.
In the course of time, that science, which reigned long ago to guide everyone, was being put aside and the new generations creating new sciences and abandoning the astrology knowledge. During that time, the knowledge was only that and with time the living beings created the new alphabet, which you use until today and which they thought was better. They left behind the true alphabet, which is of astrology, where the living being finds his entire life, the way it is, the way it is not, and how it has to be. This is the alphabet created in other times, when everyone new why they were born, what they has to be in life, and what would happen to them until the day of their death.
The progress and the way of understanding were completely different. The new generations started to come up with new alphabets, arising then, all the embarrassments that exist in the world. The happiest living beings of all are not those who are governed by their sign or planet, but those who are governed by another different part of this vacuum, which is the Rational part.
The Rational part is that governs all planets, its strength is always above them all.
And the study of astrology, which is a very advanced study for people to balance themselves back then, did not have any value compared with the strength from the Rational part. It was only useful for the living being to know why he was born and the course of his life. It was very good to free the people; it was more advanced than this system, this alphabet invented by the man on Earth, who became an animal at once. They invented this alphabet to see if they could avoid or cut off those things that had to happen. Back in those times there was no god on Earth; god was the sun and the goddess was the moon.
Above all this knowledge is the force of the Rational part, which does not follow caprices of planets or signs, because these are subjugated to the superior part, and the planets follows what this superior part wants.
By that time, the orientations were different, starting to name on the things they saw on stars, thus starting so, the ABC. For example: Jupiter was a letter, Saturn another letter, Venus another letter. And to each planet a letter, to each sign a number, thus completing this alphabet to understand through it, as you understand up today.
However, the astrology alphabet was much better than this one you invented and adopted until today, because with the astrological knowledge, every person knew each other.
To know each other, you did not need to ask who the person was; it sufficed to ask him to let you see his hand. You knew to whom you were talking to, his age, what the person was going through, and what the person would go through in life.
It was a much better alphabet, as was also much better the way of life, because everyone knew each other, everyone knew everyone. This alphabet, in the course of time, came down and the living beings wanted to see if they could live still better than they lived. And they started with inventions, knowing that they were getting worse, because the improvement sought is as you are seeing there, in the Universe.
This astrological alphabet is very easy to those who want to learn it and I do not teach it here because it is an ancient alphabet and what reigns presently in the world is another one.
All of this is for you to see how the evolution of the world was. So many things went on, that it is not even worth mentioning.
However, there comes now in the world RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION was born in Brazil for the new generations that, when they arrive in this world, they will adopt, due to it being one understanding only, and for being all for one and one for all.
And who is this one? It is RATIONAL SUPERIOR.
Everything is for you to reach the conclusion that life is good and it is not only evil that reigns; the good also reigns. Evil only reigns with the bad ones, who end up bad. The goodness reigns with the good ones, who end up good, due to them having the goodness in themselves, administrated by the Supreme Being to everything and everyone.
Therefore, what is a planet? A planet is a living being from the stars, with its life and strength, being in this strength its influence. That way, when the living being is born and this or that planet has its influence over Earth, the living being receives its influence. If the influence is from Mars, the living being suffers a lot, pain too much. If the influence is from Jupiter, the living being suffers less; if it is from Aquarius, even less, and so on.
What is the sign? The sign is the stone, or the metal that the planet adopts and where it has all influence, which is the number, being the letter the planet. And for that, each stone with its planet, each metal with its planet. And so, the vegetables, animals, and everything that exists in the world, because even to plant it is necessary to choose the planet that, many times, the living being thinks will bring rain, make the plantation and the planet that comes is dry and everything dies. Many times the moon promises rain and it doesn't rain and at other times it does not promise and brings rain.
The planets reign with great fury in the world, there being those that indicate dryness for a long or a short time. That is why when you in the past guided yourself by the planets you lived much better. Men were more capricious and women too. They strive to have their children being born under the influence of the good planets; there being a few who was careless and had bad kids, who were born to bother the good ones. Many got to the point to kill their kids when they were born under the influence of bad planets, due to careless in their relations. Others had mercy not to kill and let them survive, even though they knew that they would be trouble makers and suffer a lot in the world.
There it is the knowledge of the primitive alphabets that arose in the world, where there were many, but the best was that from astrology. With the astrology alphabet, people understood and governed one another better. With the alphabet that reigns until today, one only sees in the world a progress of martyrs and sufferers. It is an entirely complicated alphabet that gave to everyone this mania of improvements and everything getting worse and worse.
Today you look at the alphabet that is in the palm of your hands with the lines, scratches, little points and cannot decipher anything.
All of that has its meanings, which the living beings do not know how to decipher them. You are with the knowledge in your hands, with life totally mapped out on the palms of your hands, which is the astrological alphabet, and without knowing what it means.
It does not mean that everyone is born dull, as it is used to say, but due to the ancient people's fault, which are the same as now and did not continue with the astrological alphabet, which was well advanced in its progress.
So beautiful the living being looking at his hands and know why he was born, knowing everything he has to go through, what he has to be in life, not being able to avoid what is written on his own hands. Knowing his entire route into the future, the day and time of dying. Everyone could live so well.
But the new generation of the past, with the mania of discoveries, with the fixation of experiences, with the fixation of wanting still better things, gave start to the alphabet that you still adopt today. Instead of teaching the old one, they taught this one, deviating from right to wrong.
The blame is on the ancient generations, which could know everything until they reach the pinnacle: if they were born for this or that art, this or that science, being able to guide themselves through the map of life, which is on your hands, which gives to everyone the career that they should
follow, the place they should live, the fortune, the richness, and remedied passages.
The ambitious and greedy ones who had the will to be rich, but the alphabet showed that they would not be; the others to whom the alphabet said they should be musicians, but they did not want to be musicians, they wanted that science was made according to such wills of wanting to be what they were not born to be, then, these unhappy ones manage to organize another science and another alphabet such that, through them, they could give expansion to their will.
The efforts of those who did not accept their destiny. given by the astrological alphabet were in vain.
Then, they did not want to guide themselves by the right, which is the mania of many, and followed by the crooked, for their conveniences.
That was what happened back then. Not everyone was happy with the descriptions from the alphabet that they carried on their hands. For example: the alphabet said they could not travel, due to this or that, they had to stay in the same place, but because the wish of the living being was another, he did not accept the life he had to live. Another one, without many possessions, cared to elevate himself to give expansion to his wish and did so completely wrong. That is why the new generations back then came on modifying everything, and those who know today, regret it.
The astrological alphabet was dropped due to the wills and the unconfessable caprices, greed, envy, and jealousy. That is why you live there in the world all like animals, always learning, but not knowing anything, with the map on the palm of hands, showing life's trajectory, happiness and sadness, after all, everything the living being needs to know to live right.
It is that mania of nobody accepting to be small, everyone wants to be big. No one accepts of being poor, everyone wants to be rich. No one accepts of being down; everyone wants to be on top, due to the caprices, without knowing that you have the map of life on the palm of your hands, indicating the entire trajectory that you will have to pass by.
Therefore, it was not nature that made everyone bad in this world, because it gave the map of life, with perfect numbers and grammar, for you to guide yourselves by them and live well. But the ancient people, due to their unconfessable caprices, did not want to know about it and created another alphabet according to their conveniences. It is proved that if everyone suffers, the ones to blame are the ancient living beings.
Today, still many study the astrological map and even make fortunes, announcing to anyone the past, present, and future; very correct, due to reading the map that they learned in the true alphabet.
However, this is not the alphabet that reigns in the world. The one that reigns is this one you already got used to and which is worthless, reason why, to make a living, many seek the astrological alphabet, the map of the sayings on the palm of hands, where the living being, in studying only half of it, can already unveil almost the entire life of another.
This is to prove to you that the world is good, that everyone was born and is born with good, but do not want to know about the good and correct. You want to know about the crooked, like everyone lives on the world letting go the correct to live wrong. That is the reason of torture being so much that the suffering in life sometimes becomes unbearable, to the point that some ones seek to put an end on life.
The astrology alphabet, given by nature itself, is what should govern. And then, the living being would know, by reading the palm of the hands, what would be his passing in life, who would substitute him in his mission in the world, who would be his substitute. But many ancient living beings were not happy in not being, by the astrological map, the substitutes of those who governed.
And so, in the eager to govern, they went to seek resources to give expansion to their wishes. They invented, thus, this alphabet that you adopt, still today, in the world and so, all misunderstandings and disequilibrium of everything started in the world. A few times, in the well-off family there was born a son with the express title in the astrological alphabet to govern and be the substitute of that who was governing or was going to govern.
The rich had their kids that many times were not born with these merits given by nature and they did not like it and did not accept it. They were rich and they wanted their kids to be big and rich, as well.
This is for you to see that since the beginning of the world you never wanted to know about the right, but about the crooked and because of this, the new generations came to adopt what was crooked, done by the ambitious and greedy ones, to give expansion to their wishes.
In the orient, they still use a lot the astrological alphabet. In India, the Hindus, and even in Arabia, they still make use of this alphabet.
Imagine how many phases passed until the present time, when we are going to get into another superior phase to all, which is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, the knowledge that I am now giving, I, RATIONAL SUPERIOR, with all explanations, bit by bit, of the why of everything, with all the solid bases about everything in this world and outside of it.
You know well the law of transformation. You know that everything transforms itself and that the transformation will take everything to the true sector, to a true base, where everyone and everything will get to, which are the places you left, in RATIONAL PLAIN.
The world since long comes with its modifications and everything that exists in the world is always transforming to the worse; arriving unexpectedly, now, a transformation to the better, which is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.
No one knows what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, but you will get to know it now, through this Writing, UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT. Then, it is that you are going to know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, and arrive to the conclusion that it is one of the greatest discoveries in the world.