Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2020



The Rational recapitulation must be constant, daily, for the mood always be conserved in equilibrium, as much as possible, by the instructions and orientations given about the present and future. 

Everyone conformed to the joyous elevated Rationalfountain of the supreme writing to all, to everyone’s will; the welfare of yourselves. To meet that justification, you need to take into consideration the instructions that you receive from the knowledge of yourselves, through the plant of the eternal salvation, which is there in your hands. 

Then, don’t you know that the reading and rereading the Book that contains your salvation is to live longer and to prolong your life? Therefore, do read. The more you read, the better it will be for you. Now we are going to enter in the acute part of the Rational Knowledge. Everyone will be completely touched by it because you will feel the authentic knowledge, that brings the desire to speak, gives joy and emotion, produced by what you see, by what you feel; it is the acute part, not delirious. There is not who does not get crazy of happiness. 

Those who do not know cannot feel what those who already know feel. When they get to know, they will feel the same thing. 

Yes, because no one is of iron. Some saying: "-The light of truth has arrived in the world." Everyone crying out of happiness, because the announcements will be alarming; the announcements will touch everyone. There will not be one who will not want to know how it is, how it was born in the world.

Then, there, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION comprises everyone and all minds will be equilibrated toward the real point. 

You look at each other and say: "-It is the salvation of all; it is the most important discovery that exists in the world. 

Due to us being bodies in electric and magnetic fluidic matter, we have the probability of being treated by the mostpowerful force in the world, which are the fluids; there are the good fluid which does the goodness and the bad fluid which does the illness. There it is, how you can increase lifetime and live much more than you should, due to the fluidic treatment, which is the most positive treatment, due to it being natural. Everything that is natural is done by RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. 

Due to the world being an electric and magnetic fluidic conjunct and due to us being formed from this fluidic nature, it is that once the human being immunized, he will receive the fluidic treatment to prolong and increase lifetime." The good fluid avoids the effects of the bad fluid, because evil is of fluidic origin, once evil is from fluidic origin, the good fluid does not allow the bad fluid to reach the person and, from there, the prolongation of life. 

Due to the world and the deeds being from fluidic origin, it is that in the fluids is the most powerful force in the Universe, due to everything being from fluidic origin, from there, then, arises the goodness of the immunized ones and also the longevity of life, by means of the fluidic treatment, where there are all the bad remedies and the good remedies. 

All diseases are from fluidic origin, due to the world being fluidic electric and magnetic. Therefore, all diseases are from fluidic origin. Due to us being bodies in electric and magnetic fluidic matter, it is that in the good fluid are all cures for all illnesses of the body in electric and magnetic fluidic matter. The bad fluid produces illness and the good fluid cures the illness, therefore, the fluidic treatment is the true natural treatment.

In order to get the fluidic cures it is necessary to become immunized; once immunized, you will receive the fluidic treatment, which is the natural of the human being. Due to be body in electric and magnetic fluidic matter, it is that in the good fluid there are all cures of the body in electric and magnetic fluidic matter, and to get this treatment, it is necessary to be immunized. To become immunized, it is enough read every day to know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is. 

Therefore, all diseases are produced by the bad fluid and all cures are done by the good fluid. Due to the creatures being all from fluidic origin that is why all evil is from fluidic origin and all cures are from fluidic origin. And so being it, the person is immunized by the good fluid, due to being in possession of his true natural, which is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. 

Then, in this Knowledge of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is everything the person needs to his equilibrium. First place, everyone’s salvation; second place, the cure of all maladies, and in the third place, the messenger who accompanies each Book to resolve all the problems of all immunized ones. 

Due to the world being an electric and magnetic fluidic conjunct, it is that all diseases of the electric and magnetic fluidic body are done by the bad fluid, and to them be eliminated and cured, only by the good fluid. The body is fluidic, the diseases are fluidic and the cures are done by the good fluid, due to the world being of fluidic origin. 

There it is how lifetime is prolonged by the fluidic treatment, after the person being immunized. Once immunized, one gets in contact with RATIONAL SUPERIOR; then, comes de orientations for the equilibrium of everything in life, for health, for business, for the necessary cases, finally, for everything that the living being needs, and once immunized, one knows where one came from, how one came, and why one came; where one is going to, how one is going to, and why one is going to one’s place of origin, which is up there on RATIONAL PLAIN.

But for that, you have to be master of the knowledge of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which is where all the solutions are of all beings existing in this deformed world, being this the true Rational Knowledge, for everyone to quit being Rational animals and return to one’s place of origin, on RATIONAL PLAIN, which is from where everyone came out. All of that description is there, bit by bit, in the Work UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT. 

What goes to the place of origin, which is RATIONAL PLAIN? It is the electric and magnetic fluidic body, which originated this body in electric and magnetic fluidic matter, because there is no effect without cause and the cause of the body in electric and magnetic fluidic matter is done by the electric and magnetic fluidic body. Therefore, that depends on the people becoming immunized to return to be pure, clean and perfect Rationals, without defects, on the Plain up above there, where are the others with their progress of purity. 

There it is, how your salvation is done, quitting to be Rational animals, beasts from this ground here, to return to be pure, clean, perfect Rationals, without defects. And each Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT has the assistance of the Books Owner to solve all problems and cases of life of who is being immunized. For those solutions, all that is needed is the persistence of the living being in reading. 

1 . In first place, everyone in your place of origin; 

2. In second place, the cures by the good fluid; 

3. In third place, the assistance of the Owner of the Book to solve the problems of the living being’s life;

4. In fourth place, the increasing of lifetime; 

5. In fifth place, RATIONAL SUPERIOR orienting everyone; 
6. In sixth place, the description of this enchanted world formation, mysterious, that has always been kept like that by the 
enchanted ones; 

7. In seventh place, everyone in your place of origin, it is what completes the seven parts of the reason why everyone is like this and how we can quit being like this, to go back to being clean, pure, and perfect Rationals.


Contacts and book orders can be done by the following emails:

orders@universeindisenchantment.comoreuadorovoces@yahoo.comor by phone:(562) 818-473



RATIONAL PARTS! "RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, driving everyone towards perfect regulation, will put an end to all these annoyances, this infe...