Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2024



But why everything that transforms diminishes? Because of the following: a forest with bushes of all sizes, once clear cut, becomes something else. Once cut down and the bushes burnt, they turn into charcoal; transforming from what they were, turning into ashes, they diminished; later, water getting into the ashes, they settle and become even smaller, the rot and after rotten, they turn into other beings, due to the microbes, the microbial life. Earth is a conjunct of animals, producing animals by all means and that is why there is the microbial formation, the animals.

These are proven facts, well proven, to prove how was the beginning of the world and its end and of all, the way it will be, through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. Here it is the beginning of the world and the end; where you came from and where you are going to, how you came and how you will go. No one in the world knew where they came from or to where they were going to. You grew there like animals, live like animals and disappear without knowing how to give solution to anything.

These facts are here enlightened in this Writing to give to the living being the assurance and the knowledge that, in here, you find the solutions to everything, given by Me, RATIONAL SUPERIOR. This is for you to know who is RATIONAL SUPERIOR, who is Me, treating here to clarify everything appropriately to all universally, and for not confuse me with spiritism.

RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, done by the Rational, who is Me, explaining who I am, what I am and what everyone is, what you were and why you quit being what you were to become who you are.

And so, everyone who settles with RATIONAL SUPERIOR, who is Me, will live full of joy, satisfaction, and happiness due to knowing and getting RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. In RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is everything for everyone. That is why I say: read with persistence for you to know how to tell what this discovery is, in benefit of yourselves and of all. There it is the solid of the solids, the right of the rights, ending all doubt, taking all away from this land of misery where you live, moulding in this enchantment, without knowing anything aside of what you see. The mysteries all there to be unveiled in this world, which is an enigma and everyone is enigmatic.

Why is everyone enigmatic? Because your formation and the formation of everything stays there mysteriously. Mysterious bodies, because no one ever knew who made you or how you appeared in this world. Each human being is an enigmatic being due to finding themselves in this situation, without knowing how you were made, how you were formed, of what you were made, nor why you were made.

You are, therefore, enigmatic in this world, which is an enigma and now you will stop being so, due to the salvation, which is there in your hands. You will stop being suggested by this dirt, by this mud, by this muck, many times thinking and judging one thing for another. Admitting everything and thinking life is this one and never conforming to it, because no one is happy with suffering and less so with death. Therefore, so it was for the suggested ones and it really stopped being so, due to the conformities do not correspond.

The suggestion and self-suggestion is what shine in the world as an element of apparent prestige, for the blind ones
with open eyes, who never knew how to divulge what these things are, what the world is and what everyone is.

The world reigns in this intense confusion, since from long centuries and veteran ages, everyone has been confused with the world and life, and always multiplying the confusions. Since you knew nothing, how could you divulge and define what is right? No way! Now, it is that you are seeing the origin and beginning of everything; before the origin of this deformation, how you were and why you stopped being what you were to be like you are.

Everyone rolling on the clamour of adventures, but never were able to tell about these highs. And today, very happy and joyful due to having in your hands all of this writing, which show you that the infant is an animal, who lives like an animal, without knowing nothing.

The Greeks with these gears were going to put all in shape by the philosophies, super philosophies, and tales. And such, so much nonsense and so many to beg in vain. Nonsensical people, now disappointed, seeing come to an end, all of these illusions, through the authentic knowledge of everyone's salvation. You never could put everyone in shape because there were never solid bases in the philosophies, super philosophies, and stories, as in the spiritism, which is the knowledge of itself.

Why is it the knowledge of yourself? Because you all are spiritualists, live on experience; or also, you do not yet know what now is there in your hands. Therefore, all of these numbed, geared in this gear without solution, will become touched, astonished of knowing why you are so. There is no one who may say that found something without a qualification, because good cannot be said about the Work which is the world's salvation.

You did not know what salvation is, because you were never saved; now you are knowing what salvation is. It is something no one ever proved; now it is that you are seeing how it is and it is not. What the living being does not know, he does not admit that exists, only after knowing and seeing, it is that one says: "-That's it!"



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