Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 29 de fevereiro de 2020



"Não há dificuldades para os que forem assíduos na leitura. A imunização vem mais depressa do que o vivente pensa ou espera. Portanto, a felicidade do vivente depende nesse caso, do próprio vivente. 
O imunizado racionalmente é um vivente que está salvo e sabe explicar porque é um salvador, sabe dar todas as definições com bases sólidas, porque está salvo, sabe como é feita a salvação, como tudo foi feito e antes de tudo ser feito, como era, de onde todos vieram e para onde todos irão, de onde tudo isso surgiu, a origem de tudo e antes dessa origem, a PLANÍCIE RACIONAL, como vivem os que aqui estão, e a parte dessa mesma planície que não estava pronta para entrar em progresso e que, com a entrada de uns tantos Racionais, principiou a  desmembrar-se, a descer, a transformar-se junto com os corpos, modificando-se à medida que iam progredindo, até chegarem à extinção do corpo anterior e depois, à formação desses corpos que aí estão, à geração de todos os seres." (Pág. 202, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERAÇÕES: Como já dizia Abdruschin, "o ser humano não deve esquecer-se de que  ele se encontra na Obra de Deus, que ele mesmo é uma partícula dessa Obra e que por conseguinte está  incondicionalmente também sujeito às Leis dessa Obra." 

Isso quer dizer que tudo tem o seu tempo, sua hora e seu dia para acontecer! E para que tudo aconteça, é necessário e preciso haver prévia preparação, prévio condicionamento. Assim sendo, há muito o ser humano vem sendo preparado pelos conhecimentos filosóficos e científicos para que, depois de preparado e amadurecido, pudesse entender e compreender a chegada de uma Nova Era: a era da IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL! 

E com ELA,  as bases sólidas para a formação do ser humano Racionalizado, do ser humano voltado não só para o bem de si, mas para o bem de todos, de um ser humano universal,  como já prenunciava Osho ao discorrer sobre o surgimento do novo ser humano: "Ele será cidadão do mundo - sem nação.
Ele será religioso - mas sem religião.
Ele será científico - mas não destrutivo. Toda a sua ciência será dedicada à criação.
Ele será piedoso, compassivo, amoroso - mas não celibatário. Um novo ser humano sem nenhuma carga do passado, mais meditativo, mais silencioso, mais amoroso". 

Assim sendo, agora, grande parte da humanidade já se encontra preparada e amadurecida para entender e compreender os Conhecimentos Racionais transmitidos pela IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL! De forma que é de se concluir que a Obra está pronta, restando agora ao ser humano exercer o seu livre arbítrio em procurar conhecê-la! (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria).

Saudações Racionais a todos!



Entonces, ¿qué es la INMUNIZACIÓN RACIONAL? Es un foco de luz de la parte Racional. 

¿Y cómo es ese foco? Ese foco de luz es, como en una comparación simple, un holofote de ahí de la Tierra. El viviente queda iluminado por esta especie de holofote que es hecho de la parte Racional, muy encima de ese vacío, y por medio de esa luz es transmitido todo de la parte Racional, para los portavoces de ahí de la Tierra. 

Tratase entonces de “INMUNIZACIÓN RACIONAL”. Formase en principio un holofote invisible, y después de un cierto tiempo, el viviente comienza a ver más o menos una luz plateada, muy clara y que 
se llama Inmunización Racional. Después de todos inmunizados, todos se quedarán iluminados por esa luz, que es la Luz Racional. 

Esto es una simple comparación, para analizar como es hecha la INMUNIZACIÓN RACIONAL; que el viviente, en principio no la ve y sí la siente. 

Ahora preguntan: - “¿Y el viviente permanece iluminado por esa luz noche y día?” Digo YO: ¡sí! 

Y así, después de universalmente inmunizados, la luz del sol disminuirá mucho, comenzará casi a extinguirse en virtud de predominar una luz superior a la suya, que es la INMUNIZACIÓN RACIONAL.

Todavía preguntan: - “¿Y habrá conmoción en la naturaleza?” ¡No! Todo se modificará naturalmente y de esa forma no sentirán conmoción de ninguna especie, y una vez la puerta de aquí arriba abierta, es para abarcar a todos, universalmente. Entonces, dicen: - “Nosotros queremos conocer toda esa PLANICIE RACIONAL de ahí arriba y mucho más allá todavía.” Digo YO: nunca conocieron ese mundo en que habitan, ¿cómo quieren conocer ya aquí encima, sin estar aquí? 

Siempre vivieron ahí en ese mundo, aprendiendo hasta la muerte, sin saber nada y por eso los misterios siempre fueron conservados ahí, siempre tuvieron ese mundo como una naturaleza misteriosa. Nunca supieron cómo fueron hechos, cómo ese mundo fue hecho ni quién los hizo; no sabían de dónde vinieron ni para dónde van; no sabían porqué vivían en ese mundo y en esas condiciones. 

¿Todavía no conocen todo de ese mundo que habitan, y ya quieren conocer todo lo de aquí, de la parte Racional? ¿Cómo pueden? Cuando estén aquí, sí, van a saber todo, punto por punto, de la parte Racional, porqué aquí es así, y mucho más allá todavía. Querer alcanzar lo que existe encima de la PLANICIE RACIONAL, es el viviente ser ciego e imprudente. 

El viviente pide: - “¡Ah! Yo quiero por lo menos por descripción, que me digan cómo es. “¡Bueno! Aquí están los datos más claros en la Escrituración, con bases verídicas y comprobadas, que la teoría es muy buena, pero la práctica es mejor. La manía de muchos es querer principiar por donde los demás terminan, y viven en este mundo, hace tantas eras sin nunca descortinar su principio y su fin, ¡y ya quieren conocer donde todavía no están! Como ya os expliqué, la planicie aquí 
encima es muy grande, mucho mayor que ese mundo que ahí habitan. El progreso es diferente; los cuerpos son puros, limpios, perfectos sin defectos. La vida es de pureza y no hay sufrimiento de ninguna especie, son eternos.

No son bichos, ni mucho menos existen dos sexos. Es un ser único. El alimento es muy diferente de ese empleado ahí, como muy diferentes son los vivientes que habitan aquí en esta planicie.¿No ven el Sol? Es un viviente; y muy por encima de él, en la parte Racional, son otros seres. Pero diferentes son estos cuerpos; no tienen piernas ni brazos, no son peludos, no son bichos. Como el Sol, que no tiene piernas ni brazos y anda. 

Estas son explicaciones necesarias, porque hay vivientes que cuanto más se les explica, más explicaciones quieren, y hay otros que con media docena de palabras, llegan en seguida al fin del asunto y lo comprenden todo. 

Existen naturalezas que son rudas demás, otras de menos, unas con facilidad de alcanzar en horas lo que otros llevan meses y años para alcanzar. Estos datos son para ser leídos por todos. Tengo YO que responder siempre mejor de lo que desean, dándoles a saber qué es la 
INMUNIZACIÓN RACIONAL y cómo es hecha sobre los vivientes. Hice esa insignificante comparación con un holofote porque así hay entendimiento con los portavoces.

( pág.86/88, 1 Volumen, Libro UNIVERSO EN DESENCANTO, del RACIONAL SUPERIOR)

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"They fight for everything, for health, for happiness, for knowledge, for business, for arts, for commitments, to improve and life becoming, within this struggle, without any profit, awaiting the improvements and the benefit it has is of a suddenly, life is over.
There is the nullity of everything; the proof of how this enchantement is dreadful and deceptive, full of palliative illusionists, where everyone follows the fantasies that, with time, go to solve the illusions, but that because they are adventurous, they do not last long in these illusions." (Page. 197/198, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHENTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: And why do we have to fight for everything in life? Because we are living outside our true natural state, outside our true home world. The feeling of being out of our world is, in simple comparison, the feeling of being out of our home and away from our friends, relatives and loved ones! We feel like a real "stranger in the nest", or even worse, like a fish out of water that struggles, struggles and fights to survive, but in the end, it succumbs!

The Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT presents to humanity the whole trajectory of the human being until arriving here in this second world and in the conditions in which humanity is! Describes, in detail, how it was that we left our true World of Origin, why we left and how we left and the transformations we went through in the course of time, to be now in this Earth Galaxy!

It also describes how this second world was formed, what it was formed from and what it was before it was what it is! It describes, in a basic and logical way, the origin of matter, how it was formed, who generated and formed it, what it was formed from, and before it was matter what it was, as well as its transformations and degenerations!

At the heart of all these revelations, the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT presents us with the way in which human beings can evolve and progress, naturally reaching a higher degree of class and category of life, compatible and adequate to the Natural Laws of Nature, whose vibration fits perfectly into the new phase in force, the Rational Phase, phase of the Third Millennium. In this Millennium, the maximum and Supreme capacity of the human being is developed, the third brain machine, paralyzed and waiting for the phase change in nature, now in full action! And with the development of that Supreme part and after it is fully developed, the human being acquires the necessary conditions to return to his true World of Origin. This third brain machine is activated by a different energy from the energetic binomial of electromagnetism, in force and prevalent in the field of life in which we live!

And where does this new energy come from? From the First World, the RATIONAL WORLD, world of our true origin, world of our Original Breed, since the human being is of Rational origin, being therefore qualified as Rational Animal. And the RATIONAL WORLD is the WORLD that brought us the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, of Rational Culture, the Culture of our true natural state!

So, my friends, try to know the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT and enter the new phase that came to rule, thus taking a big step in the knowledge of the greatest absolute reality of all time and in the knowledge of the pure and crystalline Truth about the origin of the world, life,man, matter and everything that exists in this world, in its various forms, both visible and invisible! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translation: Joyce Barros.

Rational Greetings to all!

Contacts and book orders can be done by the following emails:
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(562) 818-473


Facebook: Cultura Natural da Natureza



Then, what is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION? It is a lightfocus from the Rational part. 

How is this light focus? This light focus is like, as a simple comparison, a spot light there on Earth. The living being becomes 
illuminated with this kind of spot light, which is made from the Rational part, much above this vacuum. Through this light, everything from the Rational part is broadcasted to the spokespeople there on Earth. 

That is called, then: RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. In the beginning, an invisible light is formed. After a certain time, the living being starts to see, more or less, a silvery, very clear light, which is called RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. After all 
becoming immunized, everyone will be illuminated by this light, which is the Rational Light. 

This is a simple comparison, to analyze of how RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is done, which the living being, at first, does not see, but feels. 

Now you ask: "-And this light will shine to the living being day and night?" I say: yes! 

And so, after universally immunized, the sun’s light will get much smaller, it will start almost extinguish, due to 
predominating a light superior to it, which is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.

You still ask: "-And will there be disturbance on nature?" No, everything will change naturally and so, you will not feel any of the effects. Once the door from up here is open, it is to embrace everyone universally. Then you say: "-We want to know all about RATIONAL PLAIN up there and much beyond." And I say: you never got to know that world you inhabit, how come you want to already know up here without being here? 

You always lived there in that world, learning until death, without knowing anything and, because of it, the mysteries were always maintained. You always had that world as a mysterious nature. You never knew how you were made, how that world was made, or who made you. You did not know where you came from and where you are going to. You did not know why you lived in that world and in these conditions. 

You do not yet know everything about this world you inhabit, but you want to know everything here from the Rational part? How come? When you get here, yes, you will know everything, bit by bit, from the Rational part, why things here are the way they are and much beyond. Wanting to reach above RATIONAL Plain is for the blind and imprudent living being. 

The living being asks: "-Ah! I want you, at least by description, to tell me how it is." Well! Here they are the clearest data in this Writing, with true and proved bases, because the theory is very good, but practice is much better. The mania of many is to start where others finish, and you lived in this world for so many eons without unveiling your beginning and your end and you want already know about where you are not in yet. As I explained to you, the Plain up here is very large, much larger than that world you inhabit. The progress is different. The bodies are pure, clean, perfect, and without defects. Life is of purity and there is no suffering of any kind. They are eternal. They are not animals, much less exist two sexes; it is only one being. Food is much different from that, used by you, as much different are the living beings that inhabit here this Plain.

Don’t you see the sun? It is a living being; and much above it, in the Rational part, there are other beings. But different are 
these bodies; they do not have legs and hands, they are not hairy, they are not animals. Like the sun, it does not have legs or hands, but it walks. 

These are needed explanations, because there are living beings that the more explanation, the more explanation they want; and others, with half words, get soon to the end of subject and understand everything. 

There are too rude natures and others less; some reaching with facility in hours what others take months and years to reach. These data are for all to read. I must always answer better than you wish, making you know what RATIONAL 
IMMUNIZATION is and how it comes about to the living being. I made this insignificant comparison with the spot light because in 
this way there is the understanding with the spokespeople.


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Facebook: Cultura Natural da Natureza

sexta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2020



"Está aí em vossas mãos, a felicidade eterna, como podem conquistá-la e adquiri-la sem esforço, sem sacrifício. A IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL é uma surpresa para todos, é um conhecimento que alegrará o mundo, acabando com os sofrimentos e com as tristezas. Os primitivos que estão conhecendo, devem fazer por onde se imunizar o mais depressa possível. Uma vez munidos do conhecimento, estão imunizados, estão prontos e evoluindo somente com a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL. 
Com a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL tudo é belo, tudo é bom, tudo cresce e resplandece. Todos os ânimos em correspondência devido a influência da IMUNIZAÇÃO  RACIONAL. O vivente se tornando grão-mestre diante dos que não conhecem. E o vivente ficará munido do Conhecimento Racional, muito depressa, muito rápido, por ser ajudado pela IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL." (Pág. 201/202, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERAÇÕES: Eis aqui, uma pequena demonstração sobre o novo rumo tomado pelo mundo em que vivemos! E que rumo seria esse?  O rumo Racional, o rumo do bem alcandorado, o rumo da paz, do amor, da fraternidade e da concórdia universal, por intermédio dos Conhecimentos Racionais! E os anúncios desse novo rumo na Ordem Universal estão sendo vistos no mundo inteiro. Em todos os lugares do mundo estão sendo vistos, no firmamento, Corpos de Luzes que se apresentam de várias formas, de várias cores e de diversas maneiras! 

E que Corpos são esses? São Habitantes do MUNDO RACIONAL, o mundo da nossq verdadeira origem e da origem  de todos e de tudo que existe. Estão se apresentando aqui na Terra para despertarem a atenção da humanidade para a mudança de fase ocorrida na natureza: terminou a fase do Animal Racional e entrou na natureza a Fase Racional, fase do Terceiro Milênio, já anunciado há muito e, também,  para provarem e comprovarem que agora a humanidade tem com quem contar e onde se agarrar! 

Esses Corpos Luminosos estão anunciando, também, a chegada de uma nova fase na natureza, a Fase Racional, a fase natural da natureza, a fase do desenvolvimento do Raciocínio, a fase do Terceiro Milênio, a Fase Espacial. Nesta fase, todos passam a se conhecer, a saberem quem são, o porquê que assim são, de onde vieram e para onde vão, como vieram e como vão. Passam, também, a conhecerem o porquê todos são sofredores e mortais e como poderão deixar de assim ser e retornarem para o seu verdadeiro estado natural de ser Racional puro, limpo e perfeito e de vida eterna! 

Sim, amigos, estamos em uma Nova Era, a era do saber, a era da realidade absoluta e positiva, a era em que não restará pedra sobre pedra e em que a Verdade brilhará reinante nos quatro cantos do mundo, desfazendo assim o manto dos mistérios, dos enigmas, dos fenômenos, dos finitos e transfinitos que pairava sobre a origem da vida, a origem do universo, a origem do homem e a origem de tudo o que existe! 

E todos esses esclarecimentos e conhecimentos estão contidos na Obra UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, uma Obra grandiosa, enriquecedora, esclarecedora e de verdades absolutas e cristalinas! (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria).

Saudações Racionais a todos!



"The obscurity of the living being has reached such a point that material beings are worth more than life itself. Life is too much more than it is worth. However, they increasingly give it less importance. They qualified material beings, who they are less than life, with more value. And so, becoming unbalanced, lowering themselves, and decreasing more and more, to the point of conceptualizing life and elevating it to a high level of importance; at the same time they disqualify it as less than all material.
For this reason, everyone fights, they kill themselves for everything, because they placed material beings with more value than life itself, at the same time that they value life above all. The confusion is so great, that they are within that dreadful charm, in such conditions, that they do not notice the contradictions created between the designs of things, due to the misunderstandings of themselves and of things, which are the belongings of life, which disturb, by created confusion, where there can be no understanding or balance in the world. This is the reason for the suffering, of not being able to live in that charm, where they fight against everything, otherwise they will not live." (Page 197, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: Because we are living in a world outside our true natural state, life is temporary! And because we don't know where this life started, where it originated from, we thought that life was the same: of sufferers and mortals, without knowing why we suffered and without knowing why we died! Hence, the question that does not want to remain silent: if we do not know why we are here in this world in the condition of sufferers and mortals, without knowing why we are, how can we say that life is the same?

So we said, because we lived unknown to ourselves and the world we live in! We didn't know why we existed in this world, or why it existed! In this condition, we thought that life was the same as that of sufferers and mortals, but no one was content with suffering, let alone death!

Today, through the Rational Knowledge contained in the Work UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, it is that we are getting to know each other and know that everything in this world is fleeting and that we are here in passing, because we are living outside our true natural state, which is The Rational pure, clean and perfect and of eternal life!

And through this Knowledge, we are knowing what to do to leave this condition of sufferers and mortals and return, alive, to our true natural state! All this in a simple and natural way, through Books, available to everyone! Books that represent the materialization of our true Culture, the Rational Culture, since we are beings of Rational origin! And because we are of Rational origin, it is that, philosophically and scientifically, we are in this class of Rational animals, or rather, of animals of Rational origin!

And this new Culture is not linked to any sect, doctrine or religion, since it is a Culture in favor of everything and everyone, whose main purpose is the return of humanity to the true place of origin of all, the RATIONAL WORLD! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translation: Joyce Barros.

Rational Greetings to all!

Contacts and book orders can be done by the following emails:
or by phone:
(562) 818-473


Facebook: Cultura Natural da Natureza

quinta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2020



"Yes, those who do not know, doubt it. But, after everyone knows, doubts will end. Doubt is a natural thing for those who do not know. Doubt is a natural thing for those who do not know. A lot, from experiences to experiences, groping, in the uncertainty of everything. Not otherwise, enchanted, they could live. Only after being disenchanted will they make changes like from black to white, seeing and suffering the influences of dreadful enchantement. Everybody more and more tired of suffering in a world full of beliefs, suffocated by the enigmas and talismans of deceivers, where death, after so much suffering, is a rest." (Page 196/197, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHENTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: As we said before, we are living in a world that is not our true World of Origin. So, we need to know how to live in a world, outside our natural state, until we can return to the world we are from!

RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION provides human beings with complete knowledge about their true origin and how they got out of there and ended up here. All this odyssey from our departure from our World of Origin, until we reach the condition in which we find ourselves, is described with a wealth of details and numerous proofs and evidences.

In addition to this knowledge, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION also provides human beings with a balanced, firm way of life, appropriate to their natural Rational being. This balance is achieved naturally, through daily contact with the energy of our true natural, which is Rational Energy! It is this Energy that is transmitted to us when we read and reread the brilliant pages of the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT.

This Rational Energy comes from our true World of Origin, which is not the one we live in. This world is the world of electric and magnetic energies, which are two degenerate, deformed, polluted and weakened energies. And we are connected to these two energies because we are deformed into Rational animals. And in this condition in which we find ourselves today, we are suffering and mortal beings, because we are connected to these two energies that are not of our true natural. Therefore, we live a "short" life, as we are connected to a base to which we do not belong, which is the animal base. That is why the human being often thinks and proceeds, worse than an animal and lives completely unbalanced. And you will find true balance only when you disconnect from these two energies and connect with the energy of your true natural of Rational, which is Rational Energy.

Connected to Rational Energy, the human being becomes perfectly balanced, since he is no longer under the dominance and regency of the animal base, which is the electric and magnetic energy (the two energies that promote the deregulation and imbalance of the human being) .

And how can the human being connect with Rational Energy and achieve full balance here in the life of matter? It is very simple and very natural: dedicating yourself to the attentive, reflective and daily study of the messages contained in the UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT! And inside their homes or wherever they are, as long as they are in a condition of attentive reading, without interference from external agents that may hinder their attention and concentration in reading. That alone is enough, since the Book is destined for all humanity! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translation: Joyce Barros.

Rational Greetings to all!

Contacts and book orders can be done by the following emails:
or by phone:
(562) 818-473


Facebook: Cultura Natural da Natureza



"A IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL está ao alcance de todos; mais fácil para aqueles que forem constantes na leitura. Esses vão ficando munidos do conhecimento e vão se imunizando. Aí, começam a sentir os grandes efeitos da imunização e ficarão assombrados com tantas glórias que serão cada vez mais importantes e culminantes. 
Está aí nas mãos dos viventes, um tesouro como no mundo não há outro igual. É o tesouro dos tesouros! Agora sabem como se engrandecer. Não devem mais perder tempo, porque quem erra com consciência, sofre dobrado. O inconsciente ainda tem uma desculpa, porque não sabe o que faz, é um inconsciente." (Pág. 201, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERAÇÕES: Os tesouros e as glórias referenciados pelo RACIONAL SUPERIOR, relacionam-se diretamente com o surgimento de luzes de diversas cores no firmamento! Desconhecimento dessas luzes, nomeando-as de OVNIS e seres alienígenas! Mudança de parâmetro evolucional na natureza com o surgimento de uma nova Cultura Superior, proveniente do Mundo desses seres luminosos. Seres puros, limpos e perfeitos em missão de paz, amor, fraternidade e concórdia universal aqui na Terra! 

Há algum tempo, a humanidade tem visto luzes aparecendo no espaço, no firmamento e fica curiosa para saber do que se trata. Na ansiedade de querer explicar essas aparições, o ser humano passou a identificar essas luzes por diversos nomes: OVNIS, UFOS, DISCOS VOADORES, SERES ALIENÍGENAS, EXTRATERRENOS, etc. 

Mas nada disso esses corpos luminosos são!
E por que fazemos tal afirmação? Porque a humanidade desconhece a  existência de uma mudança de fase na natureza. E essa mudança é responsável pela elevação etéreo-psíquica da egrégora de nosso orbe, pelo alinhamento dos planetas, pelo surgimento desses corpos luminosos, pelo surgimento de uma Superior Cultura de Origem e por outras mais! 

Então, vocês devem estar se indagando: de onde esse cara tirou essa informação? No quê ele está se baseando para falar isso? A resposta é simples: na Cultura que esses corpos luminosos trouxeram à Terra para promover a  elevação da classe de vida em que o ser humano se encontra! Sim amigos, esses corpos luminosos têm sua Cultura, por serem seres oriundos de um Mundo muito Superior ao nosso; uma Cultura capaz de promover a paz, o amor e a fraternidade universal, por nela existir base, lógica, provas e comprovações e essa Cultura  agora chegou à Terra! 

Esses corpos luminosos são seres puros, limpos e perfeitos, são HABITANTES DO  MUNDO RACIONAL, o mundo da verdadeira origem da humanidade, que é de origem Racional, circunstância de filosófica e cientificamente sermos chamados de animais Racionais. 

Então, o ser humano  indaga-se: o que são esses corpos luminosos? De onde vêm? O que querem? O que estão anunciando? Por que não falam com a humanidade? Para onde vão? Por que se deslocam no espaço a velocidades incalculáveis? 

Assim sendo, é preciso esclarecer que esses Corpos Luminosos, que se apresentam de diversas formas, de diversas maneiras, de diversos jeitos e de diversas cores, são Habitantes do MUNDO RACIONAL, o Mundo de onde eles vêm e para onde voltam, por serem de lá. Tudo isso está acontecendo porque houve a união dos dois mundos em um só, o Mundo Deles com o nosso aqui da Terra e porque houve uma mudança de fase na natureza: terminou a fase do animal Racional e entrou na natureza a Fase Racional. Esses Habitantes estão vindo aqui para promoverem o desenvolvimento do Raciocínio do ser humano, objetivando com isso o retorno de toda a humanidade ao seu verdadeiro Mundo de Origem, o MUNDO RACIONAL. 

Quando toda a humanidade estiver desenvolvida pela Cultura Deles, Eles falarão com todos naturalmente, posto que todos estarão preparados para isso e não se assustarão, tampouco se impressionarão!

Esses corpos luminosos deslocam-se a velocidades incalculáveis porque o corpo Deles é constituído por um  Corpo de Energia Racional e de massa cósmica pura, limpa e perfeita, sendo certo que essa energia é superior a todas as energias que o ser humano conhece e a tudo que existe aqui neste mundo de matéria. 

 E a Cultura Deles é a Cultura Racional, contida nos Livros Universo em Desencanto! Essa Cultura desenvolve o Raciocínio do ser humano, para que o ser humano e toda a humanidade possam se comunicar com Eles, bem como nessa Cultura são encontradas, com base e com lógica, todas as respostas aos questionamentos efetuados acerca Deles! (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria).

Saudações Racionais a todos!


Aceito esse amor que transcende a matéria
Aceito esse amor que pulsa no dínamo
Aceito esse amor que universaliza a vida
Aceito esse amor que doa ao ser o ser vibracional
Aceito esse amor que vai onde é preciso e necessário ir
Aceito esse amor que ultrapassa as barreiras existenciais
Aceito esse amor emanado das forças naturais da natureza
Aceito esse amor que não exige presença, mas se vier melhor
Aceito esse amor vivenciado pela essência de almas unas
Aceito esse amor que onde está, contagia os demais
Aceito esse amor que está além da compreensão de uns tantos
Aceito esse amor que apenas ama
Aceito esse amor que em cada EU se manifesta
Aceito esse amor ENERGIA transcendental de maior grandeza
Aceito esse amor mesmo quando afastado,continua silencioso
Aceito nele você, 
Aceito nele a mim mesma, aceito, agradeço
Aceito nesse amor, sua amizade, sua atenção, sua doação
Aceito nesse amor a presença da mais pura Energia
Aceito nesse amor tua e as minhas descobertas
Aceito nesse amor teus e os meus defeitos
Aceito nesse amor as transformações que nele vibram
Aceito, agradeço e retribuo, assim torno-me inteira.
Eu saúdo a tua força, eu saúdo o teu EU interior
Gratidão, gratidão, gratidão
Ao universo e suas energias de paz, concórdia e fraternidade
Ao amor esse sublime SER que está em mim e em ti amigo (a).

( Angela Maria, Estudante de Cultura Racional)

quarta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2020


Chega mais, vamos para aquele papo racional, então senta, naquele cantinho agradável e vamos prosear. 

Estamos acompanhando grandes movimentos sobre a humanidade: vírus assolando e dizimando populações, epidemias chegam e se alastram, secas de matar, calor de matar, frio de matar, aguaceiros torrenciais, terremotos de maior intensidade, e por aí. 

Mas vamos nos deter a um fato, que tem provocado intensamente interrogações:

Será que estamos a beira de mais uma extinção?
Aja visto, que civilizações inteiras sumiram sem que a própria ciência, encontre resposta ao "desaparecimento".

"Ao longo da história da humanidade, diversas civilizações floresceram e desaparecem da face da Terra. Sabemos que algumas delas sumiram devido a catástrofes naturais, outras foram dizimadas durante guerras e invasões, e existem as que acabaram sendo dominadas e suas culturas foram sendo assimiladas por outros povos, por exemplo.
No entanto, também existem civilizações que desapareceram sem motivos evidentes, e até hoje muitos pesquisadores tentam entender o que pode ter acontecido com essas sociedades. "

Então, podemos concluir que a humanidade, tem historicamente atravessado momentos de ápice progressivo, construindo e progredindo, mas também momentos historicamente de regresso, onde pelo uso abusivo das fontes naturais, esgota a própria sobrevivência e desmedidamente contribui, para sua própria extinção. 

Assim vemos antigas civilizações aniquiladas, deixando vestígios de suas passagens aqui na Terra.

Portanto, agora estaríamos em mais um declínio?

"O que a ascensão e a queda das civilizações históricas nos dizem sobre a nossa? Quais são as forças que precipitam ou retardam um colapso? Conseguimos ver padrões semelhantes hoje em dia?"

Se outras civilizações foram extintas, o que garanta a nossa não ser?
Uma vez que também temos esgotados os recursos naturais, uma vez poluindo tudo, dentro e fora do planeta ( toneladas de lixo espacial, flutuam sobre nossas cabecas), uma vez nossos mares nos mais isolados confins  estão poluídos. 
O que queremos com tantas ações destruidoras?
Um mundo melhor?

Então, vejamos o que nos diz o autor do Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO:

"Os pensadores esquecem que já estão sendo extintos pela poluição, que está causando moléstias incuráveis e desconhecidas.
Esquecem que a extinção da humanidade já está aí sendo feita, pelo envenenamento da atmosfera, pelos venenos feitos e fabricados nas fábricas de venenos.
E todo esse envenenamento se acumula na atmosfera e cai o orvalho envenenado , envenenando os condimentos da alimentação.
Não é preciso esperar o átomo para ser destruído, porque já estão sendo destruídos pelo envenenamento da atmosfera que produz a poluição de tudo.
( Livro Universo em Desencanto, 240 do Histórico)

Então, estamos ou não colaborando para sermos extintos? Se as lições do passado, não foram aprendidas, repetiremos os mesmos erros, e dessa maneira a Natureza, fará com que voltemos, para aprender corretamente a conviver harmonicamente consigo mesmo e com tudo no Universo. 

"As civilizações atuais podem estar mais avançadas tecnologicamente, mas isso nos dá pouco fundamento para acreditar que somos imunes às ameaças que dizimaram nossos ancestrais."

Portanto meus amigos, quem conhece a Natureza Racional, sabe o que fazer, para sair desta linha de liquidação que está atuando sobre a humanidade. 

A Energia Racional está socorrendo a humanidade, mostrando que a Natureza não tolera mais desmandos, abusos, desrespeito. 

Agora é Raciocinar para acertar em tudo, ou continuar pensando e sofrendo sob o véu da ignorância, onde não se conhece os movimentos da Natureza que quando preciso e necessário, atua na forma de micro organismos para exterminar seres que acreditam dominar o mundo. 

Saúde, paz, sossego e Racionalidade à todos.

(Angela Maria, Estudante de Cultura Racional)



"The delirium will be wonderful, because the uncertainty, the doubt, the indecision, the distrust of everything will disappear, because they find the way in the truth of the truths, mysteries, for not knowing how to solve them, ending everything in infinity and finding now, all these mysteries unveiled in this Bookkeeping.
The joy will be dazzling, the emotion and satisfaction will be enormous.
This is an insignificant commentary on life and the reason for life; what is the present life and what will be the future life, after all that is proven, of all the solutions given here by RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, where there is no doubt to do." (Page 196, 1st. Volume , Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHENTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: So, is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION another way of living? There is not the slightest shadow of doubt! An immunized living being is a balanced living being; he is self-aware; he knows where he came from, he knows where he is going, how he came and how he is going; he knows the world in which he lives completely and far beyond; he knows his World of Origin, he knows how he got there and he knows how he ended up here under the conditions he is in; he knows how to get out of the conditions he is in (of Rational Animal, thinker, suffering and mortal) and return to his natural state of being pure, clean, perfect and eternal Rational!

And what must we do to make the living being immunized? Just read and reread, in a reflective, attentive and studious way, the brilliant pages of the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT! And does this reading prohibit the living being from anything? No way! Rational Culture is not against anything, it is not against anyone, it is in favor of everyone and everything, because everyone is a child of God!

And why hasn't RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION arrived in the world longer? Because it is only now that the instructions on how to acquire it have arrived! Because before we were being prepared so that, after being prepared, we would reach the maturity necessary to understand it; because before we were in the phase of Rational Animal, in the phase of civilization, a phase of preparation of the human being to understand the existence of a Superior World (where everything and everyone is from), with its Superior Culture, capable of clarifying to the man (based on logic, evidence and proof) where he came from, how he came, why he came, where he is going, how he is going and why he is going.

All of this is found now in RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, because there has been a change of phase, of regency in nature! From the Rational animal phase to the Rational phase; because there was a union of the two worlds in one! That's right, my friends! From the world above, which is the RATIONAL WORLD, with the world below, which is this one of matter, where we live.

So, my friends, get to know RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, the greatest gift of all time! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translation: Joyce Barros.

Rational Greetings to all!

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Facebook: Cultura Natural da Natureza



The electric and magnetic fluid is which governs the animal being, the Rational. And the human being, for being from Rational Origin, has to be governed by the Rational Fluid, by RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, by his base of origin. That is why you are Rational animals, because the origin is Rational. But the way you were there, you were being governed by the electric and magnetic fluid, by the irrational animal fluid, and that is the reason you have already been considered one of the wildest beasts, due to you being governed, orientated and guided by the electric and magnetic fluid, the fluid of the irrational animal being. That is why the human being became a wild beast, the bad genius produced by the electric and magnetic fluid, the fluid of the irrationals. 

The human being became misunderstood of himself, saying: "-We are civilized beings and sometimes we proceed worse than an animal, which has no ratiocination or conscience." The human being became misunderstood of himself due to being under the permanent influence of these two fluids, the electric and magnetic, destructive fluids. All of that because you do not know your true natural, do not know your origin, and that is why you knew you were Rational animals, but you did not know why you were Rational animals and you were there becoming equal to the irrational animal, due to not knowing your true origin of Rational. 

And so, living there on Earth like any other animal, because the irrational animal does not have the resources to know its origin.

But the Rational does have resources to know his origin and now knowing his true origin of Rational animals and living 
differently, due to living under the orientation of his base of origin, through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which enters
inside the apparatus, which is the human being, and puts the watch to work Rationally. 

Thence, everything working out in everyone’s life, the peace of everyone, the peace of the world, the good comprehension among all, the good understanding among all, due to everything being Rational, because everything is from one’s base of origin, from one’s true natural of the Rational animals, due to you being from RATIONAL PLAIN, and from there coming all the orientation for everyone’s equilibrium, for the good march of everyone’s life, and from that, everyone living completely different from the way you lived as human beasts, due to the 
electric and magnetic fluid, the destructive fluid. You will feel a great change. 

The Rational Fluid is pure, clean, and perfect and does not deviate from its Being. The electric and magnetic fluid is full of defects, the fluid of monsters, due to being deformed, and due that the human committed the greatest monstrosities, influenced and dominated by the electric and magnetic fluid. Yes, if you are like that, it is because there is a cause for you to be like that, which is the electric and magnetic fluid. 

Knower, now, of your base of origin you will be dominated by your true natural being, due to you being from Rational Origin, and that is why you are Rational animals; you are from another base of origin; as the irrational, which is from another base of origin, which is the electric and magnetic. 

And so, everyone caring to know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, for you to be immunized as soon as possible, to be integrated to the base of origin, or with your base of origin.

And so, arising the welfare in all points of view, arising the true happiness, due to arising in everyone the true Rational equilibrium, due to you being in contact with your base of origin day and night, RATIONAL PLAIN, through RATIONAL 
IMMUNIZATION, embracing everyone, dominating everyone, orientating everyone, Rationally; thereafter, everyone always from good to better, arising the equilibrium of everyone in the world, due to you being integrated with your base of origin of Rationals. 

The ratiocination is very different from the electric and magnetic thought, which is from the Rational animals, free-thinkers. Then, the electric and magnetic did such a disadjustment in the human being that the person got misunderstood with himself, making confusion about everything, suspicious about everything, malicious about everything, after all, an unlimited disequilibrium. You lived like a beast, for being under the influence of the irrational, which is the electric and magnetic fluid, angry with everything, nervous about everything. The impatience, the electric and magnetic molested the human being; it is a destructive fluid. And so, now, knowers of all the formation, there being, then, the separation from the irrational animal. 

The Rational under the orientation of the Rational Fluid, of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, under the orientation of your true being, and the irrational under the orientation of its true being, which is the electric and magnetic. 

The Rational animal from your Rational Origin, governed and guided by the Rational; your line of Rational, your being of Rational, your progress of Rational, after all, a true change, very big one, because you were living like irrational beasts, under the influence of the electric and magnetic. 

Everything slowly, naturally, goes on arriving to its place. You will make this modification without feeling it, without any shock, naturally, because what is natural, the person does not feel, since your being is from Rational, nature is from Rational, and what is natural is the reason of the being and the reason of the being is because it is in its true place.

Then, Rationally, everyone winning, everyone triumphing, everyone happy and content, because there it is, all the mysteries unveiled, the mysteries of the world and of all beings, and the categories in their places. There it is the dominion by RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which is the true natural ofeveryone, the base of origin of everyone, the natural being of everyone; that is why you are Rational animals. 

But the ratiocination did not work because you did not know your base of origin. The electric and magnetic was what worked. Then, there was that great confusion between ratiocination and thought. Now, yes, the ratiocination of the Rational animals has arrived, from your base of origin. Now it is that you are knowing what ratiocination is. Now it is when you will be Rationals, because you are aware of and knowing all the transcription of your base of origin, of everyone and everything. 

Now you are knowing the true evil, which is the electric and magnetic, and the true good, which is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. All in different poles, each one in its own sector of origin. Animals you are all, but each one in its classification, each one inside its class, each one inside its category, each one within its being.

(pag. 367/370, 1 Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR)
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