Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 9 de fevereiro de 2025



"Estamos todos mais perto de conhecer a verdade das verdades, porque a verdade que existe no mundo, é toda ilusão e nada mais. É auto-sugestão e por isso, a sugestão está aqui no mundo conservada até hoje. E por tudo ser sugestão é que nunca foi divulgado nem definido o certo dos certos, como nesta Escrituração se vê provado. E por tudo isto ser sugestão, é que os mistérios continuam aqui pendurando sem solução." (Pág. 161/162, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERAÇÕES: E a incerteza sempre foi nossa eterna companhia! O ser humano tem certeza do local onde nasceu, porém, o mesmo não ocorre em relação ao local do seu fim. E as incertezas não param por aí. Não temos certeza de quantos anos viveremos; não temos certeza de nossa saúde; não temos certeza de nosso futuro; não temos certeza do lugar de onde viemos e não temos certeza do lugar para onde vamos, depois de nossa morte. Enfim, o ser humano vive na maior incerteza acerca da sua existência,  da existência do mundo em que vive e de todos os seres que o compõem. E como ser feliz assim, vivendo desconhecido de tudo e de nós mesmos? 

Felizmente, hoje chegou ao nosso conhecimento a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL e, com ela, todas as respostas acerca de nossa vida; nossa existência neste mundo; de que lugar viemos para estarmos hoje aqui; para onde vamos depois de nossa morte; qual a razão da existência deste mundo e qual será nosso futuro!

Enfim, nos Conhecimentos Racionais encontramos respostas básicas e lógicas, provadas e comprovadas para todos os questionamentos relacionados à existência humana, à existência da vida na atual condição em que se encontra e referentes ao mundo em que vivemos e como foi sua criação, geração e formação. (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria).  

Saudações Racionais a todos!



"Therefore, compliance will be general among all. Yes, because no one will stop living well, in order to live badly. Who will leave the right for the doubtful? Who will stop always being right, in order to be wrong? No one! Therefore, who is it that does not want? Who is it that does not accept? Who is it that does not comply? Everyone.

Here are these important data, very clear and resolved; the subject of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION proven, by its authentic solutions. Who will stop taking the right measures in order to take doubtful measures? No one! Therefore, in RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION there is everything that the living being needs". (Page 93/94, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: For a long time, human beings have been born and dying in this world, without knowing the reason! They have long sought their origins, without knowing where they came from or where they are going!

They have long sought to know themselves, without truly knowing what they are and who they are!

They have long sought a path that will lead them to redemption!

And the further they walk this path, the more and more disunity and destruction!

Human beings have long since broken ties with what is right and Reason!

They have abandoned the Right Road and divorced themselves from Unity!

And this was so long ago that no one remembers it!

Human beings have long decided to go it alone, forgetting that no one is born or lives alone!

Human beings have long rebelled against Natural Power, forgetting that without Nature no one lives!

Human beings have been in this process of evolution for a long time!

Thinking that everything would work out, but it just hasn't!

Human beings have long been asking themselves: so, what is the Reason? What is the meaning of all this, then? What is the meaning of life and our world in question?

Today we are learning that everything is a consequence of evolution! Yes, we were going through a process of evolution and going through a period of polishing!

We left the Stone Age and reached civilization!

But evolution does not stop and today we are at the end of civilization!

All because the Principle of Finitude rules this world!

Everything that has a beginning has an end and we need to know the Reason!

The fruit is born, grows, blooms again, turns green and ripens, then enters a process of self-decomposition!

At this point, everything goes into destruction and it seems like there is no way out! But life renews itself and everything is reborn, for a new formation!

This is how humanity moves forward, because it has reached the end of its process of evolution!

It has reached the end of the phase of civilization!

Because it does not know itself and the Natural Power, it thinks that everything will reach destruction!

But life renews itself and everything is reborn, for a new formation!

We have reached the Third Millennium and with it, the Rationalization Phase, the Recovery Phase! 

But human beings do not know themselves and think that there will be no solution! 

But here is the Final Goal of evolution, found in the Knowledge of Immunization! 

Knowledge coming from the World of Reason, which is not this one here! 

This one here is a drop of water from the WORLD OF REASON! 

So, give yourself this chance then! 

Doubt, question, inquire, don't stay still! 

Seek "knowledge", because knowledge does not take up space! 

Move, move, seek balance and get out of this "corner"! 

Acquire "Knowledge" in the Books Universe in Disenchantment! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria) Translated by: Joyce Barros. 

Rational Greetings to all!

sábado, 8 de fevereiro de 2025



"Everyone is a spokesperson. But the living being asks: - "Is it the person who speaks?" Yes, it is the person, but only what the Rational part wants. Comparing, it is the same effect with electric radios. Who are radios' spokespersons for? The broadcasters, and what the broadcasters want is what these spokespersons transmit. And why is this done this way? Because the world is an electric and magnetic set; and speaking at one end of the world is the same thing as speaking from here, because, through these spokespersons, everything is known in every part of the world. The proof that the world is an electric and magnetic set is that these devices were already made with this nature. It is like radios that are made to transmit everything; the living being was also made with the nature to immunize itself and be the spokesperson for the Rational part". (Page 89, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: We learned in Rational Knowledge that the human being is an Astrological Center and that, because he is so, over time, he had to find RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION within himself and in It, the spokesperson for the truth of truths, because the nature of the living beings is suited to the nature that made them, since we are formed by this nature and, therefore, we depend on it to live, being certain that we are formed by seven particles! Very well, and where are these particles? They are distributed as follows: one in the Sun, another in the Moon, another in the Stars, another in the water, another in the earth, another in the animals and another in the plants! These are the seven parts of why we are the way we are!

We have already said that the world is a gigantic network of transmission and we are the receiving devices, the receivers of all these transmissions, since man is an electrical and magnetic device that receives all the transmissions of this electrical and magnetic set, which is the world. And where do we receive these transmissions and what are these transmissions? Very well, all these transmissions are received in our brain, which works like a clock with seven hands, and each hand marks its action, which is reflected in thought and feeling. And what are these transmissions? They are thoughts, imaginations, intuitions, inspirations, aspirations, guidance, the conscious, the unconscious, the subconscious, etc... And why does this happen? Because we were formed this way by this nature! 

In this way, we are true tools, instruments, transmitters, devices of nature! And what is the purpose of all this? To prepare the human being so that he can develop, mature and know himself, aiming to return him to his true World of Origin! Yes, my friends! We are not from this world! We are here, but we are not from here; and because we are not from here, it is because here where we are we do not have the right to live, we are therefore suffering and mortal. 

So, nature made us like devices, so that when the right moment came we could know ourselves, to know how to return to the world from where we came. And now the moment has come! And for this and for this, here is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION! (By Antônio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros. 

Rational Greetings to all!



Com a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL acabar-se-ão as ilusões, os mistérios e o encanto. Tudo desvendado e divulgado de princípio a fim, com suas bases claras, cristalinas, ao alcance de todos; maus ou bons interpretadores encontrarão o apoio, a base essencial para o bem viver, a marcha da salvação eterna, sob todos os pontos de vista, definidos e divulgados.

Do jeito que viviam eram verdadeiros perdidos, sem nada conhecerem de si mesmos e da formação do mundo. Viviam como verdadeiros bichos, sabendo que tinham vida e por isso, tinham que viver, sem contudo saberem porque viviam. Não tinham noção de espécie alguma sobre o que é a vida, nem das demais coisas, resumindo a vida como traiçoeira, como traidora, como traidores são todos os seus pertences e por não saberem porque viviam, é que chegaram à conclusão de serem uns iludidos desse mundo." (Pág. 246/247, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERAÇÕES: Não há mais espaço, 

para a intolerância; 

para a discórdia; 

para a crueldade; 

para a desumanidade! 

Não há mais espaço, 

para a desigualdade; 

para a injustiça; 

para a iniquidade;

para a corrupção! 

Não há mais espaço, 

para a exploração;

para tanto desamor; 

para a indiferença; 

para as aparências; 

Para  a desunião! 

Não há mais espaço

para o vazio dos mistérios; 

para a certeza das indecisões; 

para o atraso, a rudez, a ferocidade

e a ignorância da ilusão! 

Não há mais espaço, 

para a falta do saber verdadeiro;

para a manutenção da escravidão; 

para a manutenção da condição 

do desconhecimento da origem da vida, 

da existência humana, do mundo e 

sua criação! 

Não há mais espaço 

para todo esse "encanto", para toda essa falta de saber, 

para toda essa escuridão, para toda essa ilusão! 

Não há mais espaço para tanto desamor, 

para tanta crueldade e desumanidade,

para tanto sofrimento e tanto horror! 

Não há mais espaço para a manutenção dos sonhos, 

das ilusões que entorpecem, 

das aparências que desnobrecem, 

das fantasias que enlouquecem!

Agora, chegou a hora da verdade, 

da liberdade,

da sabedoria,

da prosperidade,

do conhecer o mundo e sua Real verdade, 

do conhecer a IMUNIZAÇÃO, 

e do exercício do Direito e da Razão, 

porque agora

houve a União Fraternal,

do mundo em que vivemos,


Agora chegou o "Desencanto",


É tempo de solução, tempo de


tempo de união, 

tempo de esclarecimento, 

tempo da  Verdade das Verdades! (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria). 

Saudações Racionais a todos!

sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2025



"You still don't know everything about this world you inhabit and you already want to know everything here in the Rational part? How can you? When you are here, yes, you will know everything, bit by bit, in the Rational part; why it is like this here and much more. Wanting to reach what is above the RATIONAL PLAIN is for the living being to be blind and imprudent. The living being asks: - "Ah! I want, at least, by description, for you to tell me what it is like". Well! Here are the clearest data in the Writings, with true and proven bases, that the theory is good, but the practice is better. The mania of many is to want to start where others end and they have lived in this world for so many ages, without ever discovering its beginning and its end and they already want to know where they are not yet. As I explained to you, the plain up here is very large, much larger than this world that you inhabit there. Progress is different. The bodies are pure, clean, perfect, without defects. Life is pure and there is no suffering of any kind. They are eternal. They are not animals, much less are there two sexes; it is a single being. The food is very different from that used there, as are the living beings that inhabit here on this plain. Don't you see the Sun? It is a living being; and far above it, in the Rational part, are other beings. But these bodies are different; they have no legs or arms, they are not hairy, they are not animals. Like the Sun: it has no arms or legs and it walks". (Page 87/88, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: RATIONAL SUPERIOR, with all its simplicity and naturalness, succinctly describing what life is like and what the beings that inhabit the RATIONAL WORLD are like!

Did you notice, my friends, how we came across the greatest absolute reality of all time? And what is this reality? THE EXISTENCE OF INTELLIGENT LIFE OUTSIDE THE EARTH! And intelligent life with progress and evolution; with beings much superior to us, since they are pure, clean, perfect and without defects; with a diet different from ours; where there is no suffering and everyone is eternal, that is, everyone has the right to live, there is no death! Look at this beautiful and wonderful description, my friends! This is what our science has been searching for for a long time! And working incessantly, with highly advanced scientific research to find and that now, so naturally and so simply, is here in our hands and within everyone's reach, from the most renowned scientist to the simple, humble man with little education!

So, my friends, the existence of intelligent life outside of Earth has been proven and confirmed! RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION provides us with this proof! And this intelligent life is outside of Earth, yes, my friends, because the RATIONAL WORLD is located above and far above the Sun! SUPERIOR RATIONAL clarifies to us that the distance from the Sun to the RATIONAL WORLD is much greater than the distance from the Earth to the Sun!

And the proof doesn't stop there, my friends! Did you know that these beings that inhabit the RATIONAL WORLD are the same beings that are appearing here on Earth, in the firmament, in the form of luminous bodies, in various shapes, forms and different colors? Yes, my friends, these beings are Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD and are now presenting themselves here because the two worlds have united into one! Yes, my friends, their WORLD with ours! And no one knew; and no one felt; and no one noticed! And this Union represents a new milestone in the history of human evolution, the beginning of a New Era, a new Phase: the era of the Third Millennium, the Rational Phase!

These beings are coming here on a mission of peace, love, fraternity and universal harmony! They are the authentic testimony of how we were before we became deformed as we are!

And do you want to know another great reality? We have already said before that: the objective of knowledge of Rational Culture is to connect all humanity to its true World of Origin and from there receive all the precise guidance for its perfect balance in the life of matter! And our World of Origin, my friends, is where these beings, these Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD live! In addition to connecting us to our World of Origin, my friends, the Knowledge of Rational Culture also develops Rational Clairvoyance and with it developed, we will all see the RATIONAL WORLD, the place of origin of all! 

And all this is obtained by reading and rereading the brilliant pages of the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros. 

Rational Greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Estamos todos mais perto de conhecer a verdade das verdades, porque a verdade que existe no mundo, é toda ilusão e...