Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2024



"Isto é somente para acordar os confusos que necessitam ser esclarecidos de todas essas coisas, para que possam saber onde está a mentira e onde está a verdade. E assim, futuramente imperará no Universo a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL. Todos serão imunizados e todos viverão num mundo de compreensão. Brilhantes passos, brilhantes horas e brilhantes dias para todos os que abraçam a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL." (Pág.144, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERAÇÕES: Parece que a mentira e o mal 

prevalecerão sobre a verdade. 

Mas a verdade, 

sempre prevalecerá, sempre!

E o mal, 

sempre se destruirá, sempre!

Porque a mentira e o mal

aparentam serem a verdade, mas aparências não são verdades.

Além disso, a mentira e o mal são destrutivos 

e por si mesmos se destroem. 

Pois aparência e mal,

não são a verdade. 

A verdade é construtiva, 

porque é e sempre será, 


E só se vence, 

com a VERDADE! (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria).



"All the wisdom that the world's sciences present is the science of suffering wise men and therefore everyone suffers. The world is based on the wisdom of sufferers and those who base themselves on the sciences of sufferers must suffer too, because their knowledge is of no use, as they continue to suffer. Those who know, the wise, suffer, those who know nothing suffer and those who say they know suffer." (Page 181, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: And the lack of true knowledge has always kept human beings in a life condition characterized by rudeness, backwardness and brutality in their way of living and interacting with their fellow men! RUDEITY, BACKWARDNESS and BRUTALITY are the three main characteristics of the human being who lived in a class of life and in a life condition of the most absolute inferiority! But the lack of knowledge about oneself, about life, about the world and the Universe and about the origin of everything that exists, conditioned the human being to think that everything was just like that and that life was just like that! 

RUDEITY, BACKWARDNESS and BRUTALITY, the three powerful forces that kept the human being in the condition of a Rational animal, or an animal of Rational Origin, or better said, a Rational animal, because before the human being was an animal, he was already RATIONAL! 

The consequence of rudeness is that the human being lives without knowing himself, without knowing where he came from, how he came, why he came, where he is going, how he is going and why he is going. 

The consequence of backwardness is that the human being (because he is rude), does not know how to live and because he lives without knowing himself, he could not know how to live. 

The consequence of brutality is that the human being (who is brilliant and does not know it) has to go through the process of polishing (done by thought), a painful process and one of much suffering and suffering, but necessary and necessary! 

ROUGHNESS, BACKWARDNESS and BRUTALITY are part of the evolution, progress and development of the civilization phase, a phase of preparation for the advent of a superior phase that was to come, which is the Rational Apparatus Phase! 

In the Rational Apparatus phase, the human being finally comes to know himself, loses the characteristics of ROUGHNESS, BACKWARDNESS and BRUTALITY and moves to a condition of superiority. He develops his original, Rational part, his Reasoning, which is materialized in the form of a Reasoning machine, in the Pineal Gland, located in the Isthmus of the Midbrain. 

Therefore, to develop Reasoning is very simple and natural, just read and reread the Culture of Reasoning, the Rational Culture, found in the brilliant pages of the books Universo em Desencanto! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros. 

Rational Greetings to all!

quarta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2024



"O vivente que vive a favor de sua natureza, vai sempre para a frente, se favorece em tudo, tudo lhe corre a favor na sua vida. Deve pôr em prática a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL, que é a principal coisa da natureza do vivente, é o ponto de salvação de todos. Portanto, o vivente sabendo dessas coisas todas e muitas coisas mais que a seguir vêm, não deve perder tempo para sofrer mais do que já tem sofrido. Pode vencer sempre, galgar todos os pontos desejados, não se compreendendo que deixe todos os ensinamentos que aqui são dados, para continuar com os males que sempre o afligiram." (Pág. 175, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERAÇÕES: Como já dissemos anteriormente, estamos vivendo em um mundo, que não é o nosso verdadeiro Mundo de Origem. Então, é preciso sabermos como viver em um mundo, fora do nosso estado natural, até que possamos voltar para o mundo de onde somos! 

A IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL proporciona ao ser humano o conhecimento integral e completo acerca de sua verdadeira origem e de como saiu de lá e aqui veio parar. Toda essa odisseia da nossa saída do nosso Mundo de Origem, até chegarmos à condição em que nos encontramos, é descrita com riqueza de detalhes e inúmeras provas e comprovações. 

Além desse conhecimento, a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL também proporciona ao ser humano um modo de viver equilibrado, firme, adequado ao seu natural de ser Racional que é. Esse equilíbrio é alcançado naturalmente, por meio do contato diário com a energia do nosso verdadeiro natural, que é a Energia Racional! É essa Energia que nos é transmitida quando lemos e relemos as páginas brilhantes do Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO. Essa Energia Racional é proveniente do nosso verdadeiro Mundo de Origem, que não é este em que vivemos. Este mundo é o mundo das energias elétrica e magnética, que são duas energias degeneradas, deformadas, poluídas e enfraquecidas. E nós estamos ligados a essas duas energias porque nos deformamos em animais Racionais. E  nessa condição em que nos encontramos hoje, somos seres sofredores e mortais, por estarmos ligados a essas duas energias que não são do nosso verdadeiro natural.  Assim sendo, vivemos uma vida em "curto", por estarmos ligados a uma base à qual não pertencemos, que é a base animal. É por isso que o ser humano pensa e procede muitas vezes, pior que um animal e vive completamente desregulado e desequilibrado. E só encontrará o equilíbrio verdadeiro quando se desligar dessas duas energias e se ligar na energia do seu verdadeiro natural de Racional, que é a Energia Racional. 

Ligado à Energia Racional, o ser humano torna-se perfeitamente equilibrado, posto não estar mais sob o domínio e a regência da base animal, que é a energia elétrica e magnética (as duas energias que promovem a desregulagem e o desequilíbrio do ser humano).

E como o ser humano pode se ligar à  Energia Racional e alcançar o pleno equilíbrio aqui na vida da matéria? É muito simples e muito natural: dedicando-se ao estudo atento, reflexivo e diário das mensagens contidas no Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO! E dentro dos seus lares ou onde estiverem, desde que em condições de leitura atenciosa, sem interferência de agentes externos que possam atrapalhar sua atenção e concentração na leitura. Somente isso é o quanto basta, posto ser o Livro destinado à toda a humanidade! (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria).  

Saudações Racionais a todos!



"That's how confusing it is. All because the living being doesn't know why he himself is like that, who will make himself know why things are like that and everything in the world is like that. Because he doesn't know, he shouldn't accept something he doesn't know as being very real, as if it were true. That's why they live constantly dominated by the invisible ones from space, suffering more and more, forced to look for ways and means to improve, and the suffering always grows, worse and worse.

All because they don't know anything about this world until now, and through this Rational Writing they will know why everyone is like that, what they are and why the world is interpreted like that by its inhabitants. Now they know where they came from and where they are going; before everyone was like that, what they were, how they were and why they were. Before the world was like that, how it was and why it stopped being what it was to be what it is." (Page 160/161, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: As the popular saying goes: "knowledge does not take up space". We all live in this world based on knowledge, on knowledge transmitted through generations and generations, without ever being able to basically question the knowledge transmitted. A kind of artificial knowledge, which does not delve deeply into the elementary questions of being and the living conditions of beings. A knowledge focused only on a superficial analysis, on an analysis only of the facts of everyday life and the problems arising from them, disregarding the maxim that "there is no effect without a cause", that there is a reason for everything, that nothing happens by chance or by chance.

Today, we are suffering the consequences of this apparent, artificial, superficial knowledge, as we see in the daily news about the situation of humanity! Humanity is immersed in an existential crisis; involved in internal and external conflicts; who lives in constant unrest and without security; ravaged by waves of violence and attacks around the world; without freedom of expression and freedom to come and go; oppressed by an ideology that favors a few and detriments many; in short, all sorts of mistreatment!

And the big question that won't go away is: how did we get to this situation if today we are civilized beings? It is necessary and necessary for us to seek knowledge that enlightens us, based on logic, how we got to this situation and the reason, the motives, the causes of the world being like this! It is this knowledge that we all, without distinction, need, to know how to resolve and solve the serious crisis we are going through! Only a superior wisdom, from a Superior World, endowed with highly cultural, constructive and peaceful knowledge can free us from the abyss!

This Knowledge, this Wisdom, has now arrived on Earth, coming directly from the World of Origin of everything and everyone, for the definitive solution of everything and everyone! This knowledge, my friends, is contained in the books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros. 

Rational greetings to all!

terça-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2024



"The living being, because he does not know his nature, says a lot of nonsense. He can often be very advanced, but when it comes to understanding this point, he is very backward, because this is a point completely unknown to the living being. The living being knows nothing about his own nature." (Page 186, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: And the ignorance of his own nature makes the living being believe that life is the same and that the world in which we live is also the same. He forgets that both the world and life are fleeting and transitory and that we are all here for a short time. But because we live without knowing ourselves and the world in which we live, we exist in this world and do not know the reason for our existence in it or the reason for its existence. We end up living because we have life, but without knowing the reason and the reason for life! And because we do not know the reason for life, we spend our entire lives searching for the origin of life and, until today, we have not found it. And because of this, many people are unhappy with life, feeling an inner emptiness and discouraged from living, because they do not know why they are living in this world, with this life. 

For millions of millennia, human beings have been seeking to know themselves: to know who they are, where they came from, how they came and why they came, where they are going, how they are going and why they are going! Generations and generations have passed completely unaware of this existential question. 

Many have even lost heart and started to accept life as being just that and that both life and the world no longer have a solution! They have become materialists, only accepting matter and all its belongings as elements of great prestige and value. They have forgotten that for everything that exists, there is a reason for it to exist; that there is no effect without a cause. 

Therefore, if matter exists, it is because there is a reason for its existence, there is a cause for its existence. And furthermore, if there is a cause for the existence of matter, it is because there is also the origin of the cause for the existence of matter! Reflect on this, dear friends!

Today, we are on the threshold of a new Era, a new phase, the Rational Phase! In the Rational Phase, all mysteries, enigmas and phenomena about the origin of life and the world are solved! And solved in what way? In the simplest and most natural way, that is, through the Culture of the new Phase that is in force: the Rational Culture! A Culture of a World much Superior to the one in which we live, this World being the World of our true origin, which is only now present on Earth because we are duly prepared and mature enough to understand and comprehend a Culture Superior to the culture created and invented here in matter.

So today, the discouraged are finding the will to live, the discontented are finding their contentment, joy and satisfaction in life! All this is due to the explanations provided by our true origin, based on logic and an infinity of proofs and evidence! So, today, the origin of life, the origin of the world, the cause and origin of matter have been clarified and everyone is living happily, contentedly and joyfully for the rest of their lives! Today the inner emptiness has ended, an emptiness filled by Rational Culture, the Culture of a Superior World that is given to us by the SUPERIOR RATIONAL! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros. 

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Isto é somente para acordar os confusos que necessitam ser esclarecidos de todas essas coisas, para que possam sab...