Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 31 de outubro de 2020



"O vivente imunizado, sabe o princípio e o fim, definindo tudo tintim por tintim, porque está salvo e é um salvador. A IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL é portanto, o maior tesouro do mundo. Na IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL está a maior felicidade de todos porque completa todos e tudo. 

Assim, quando este tesouro for conhecido no mundo, será um estrondo. Comentar-se-á noite e dia. Todos ficarão em festa por muitos anos, porque a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL é o que todos procuravam há muito e só a encontraram agora. Os raios divinos Racionais caindo sobre a cabeça de todos os imunizados, aumentando culminantemente, cada vez mais, para o fecundo servo de si mesmo se conservar rígido, inabalavel, sólido, resplandecendo sempre em multiplicações, esta grandiosa virtude de possuir, para o bem geral e a felicidade de todos, esta maravilha." (Pág. 202/203, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERAÇÕES: Como se pode perceber facilmente, o assunto tratado no Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO é da maior relevância universal!  E que assunto importante e emocionante é esse?  

Sim, meu amigo, falaremos hoje diretamente para você! Tudo tem seu tempo, seu dia e sua hora! E a hora é chegada, de você olhar para dentro de si mesmo e percorrer esse caminho interior que se chama o se conhecer como um ser humano, um vivente, uma vida que aqui está! Olhe bem para dentro de si e se pergunte de você, para você mesmo: qual a razão de você existir? Como foi formado este ser humano que é você? De quê e do quê você foi formado? Qual foi o material utilizado para lhe formar e formar sua vida? Quem manipulou esse material? 

Você vive num mundo constituído por seres celestiais (Sol, Lua, Estrelas, etc) e seres materiais (terra, água, animais, vegetais, minerais, etc) e quem fez  tudo isso? Sim, meu amigo, está na hora de você se perguntar acerca da sua existência neste mundo e da própria existência do mundo em que você vive? Ou você pensa que você e tudo isso existem, por acaso? 

Lance um olhar sobre o Planeta Terra e indague-se: quem tudo isso controla, quem mantém o equilíbrio de tudo isto? Já imaginou se as Estrelas despencassem do céu? Se os rios e mares invadissem a terra? Se o Sol esquentasse demais a ponto de derreter as geleiras? 

Pare para pensar um pouco sobre sua participação no controle e no equilíbrio do nosso ecossistema, no equilíbrio do nosso planeta? Certamente você se deparará com uma realidade gigantesca e com nossa pequenez diante dela! 

É certo que no decorrer da história humana, o homem vem buscando se conhecer, conhecer sua origem, de onde veio,  como veio, por que veio, para onde vai, como vai, por que vai! Da mesma forma, também busca saber a origem do mundo em que vive! Agora, olhe para dentro de si e responda de você, para você mesmo: todas essas respostas já foram encontradas de modo a formar um entendimento único, aceitável, plausível, universalmente aceito por todos? Você certamente dirá: a ciência filosófica e científica está caminhando para isto!

Então, meu amigo, analise e reflita sobre o seguinte questionamento: como o homem poderá decifrar a verdade sobre si mesmo e sobre o mundo em que vive, se ele desconhece como ele foi feito e como tudo isso foi feito?  Se quando o homem nasceu tudo isso já estava feito, formado?! Então, é preciso reconhecermos que muito ainda temos que aprender e que o conhecimento que temos ainda é muito pouco, ou quase nada!

Mas agora, fomos surpreendidos por um Conhecimento fonte da verdade, oriundo da origem de tudo e de todos! E na origem estão todos os recursos completos, precisos e necessários para nos esclarecer tudo o que precisamos saber sobre nossa existência e sobre a existência do mundo em que vivemos! 

E este assunto, da maior relevância cultural, é de suma importância para o homem de origem Racional que somos! Daí porquê este assunto é emocionante, porque retira o véu do desconhecimento de si mesmo e do mundo e  que paira sobre sua cabeça há milhões de anos! Este Assunto, meu amigo, é encontrado no Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, de Cultura Racional! (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria).

Saudações Racionais a todos!



Life, being made up of nothing, would one day have to stop being nothing, to be everything, through the knowledge of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. Living as they currently live, they have to frame life and the way of life as a cause of misery, fighting for so many things for nothing, looking for so many things to end up in nothing.

Through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION they will cease to be free thinkers, as they become aware of the true ideal.  The ideal of all is to want to find your definite situation and the definition of everything in the world, to find support from yourself and live with the conviction of knowing why you live, why this life, the life of all beings, who live  there, irremediably, appearing what they are not, imbued with this illusion. "(Page 246, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: Again we refer to the introductory part of the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, when its author, RATIONAL SUPERIOR, states verbatim: "This is the discovery of the two worlds: the electric and magnetic, which is the world we inhabit, and the other  world that is the RATIONAL PLAIN, from where we left and that gave rise to this, by deforming ourselves into Rational animals ".

So, if we are going to discover the world we inhabit, it is because we do not know it at all, we do not yet know it fully, mainly in its aspect considered "invisible" to our eyes!

Preambularly, we need to understand that the world we live in is a Great Hierarchy composed of living beings from upper classes and living beings from lower classes. Where do we want to go with such statements? To a great mystery that hitherto involved the human condition in the universe: that we were never alone in this immensity that is the universe! Yes, friends, man has never been alone in this universe!  I just never knew how to "see" in a clear and crystalline way the countless forms of intelligent lives that make up our world! And also due to a certain vanity and presumption of placing yourself in a position of superiority, which today we know to be apparent.

In the world we live in, everyone has life, feeling, intelligence and the strength of their life! Oh, and everyone talks and understands and communicates with each other, within their respective categories and vibrations of lives. But the human being does not "understand", does not "see" and for this reason and because of his absolute materialism, he tends to deny the existence of the other lives that make up the world in which we live. Then, starting with space, the Rational Knowledge contained in the Work UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT clarifies that it is full of lives. Yes, my friends, don't you see the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Planets? All of these beings have life, intelligence, feeling and, amazingly, "speak", communicate with each other, with each other! Up there in space it is a damned chatter: It is the Sun speaking, the Moon speaking, the Stars speaking the Planets speaking, because they are lives and everything that has life "speaks", has its form of communication, of vibration. Some long-range and highly sensitive devices, used by scientists, pick up these "frequencies", these communications. But the human being does not understand and does not understand because they are forms of communication between higher category beings.

Just as there are these visible beings in space, there are also invisible ones!  That's right, my friends! And we don't have to go that far to reach that understanding! Right here in the life of matter, which is matter, aren't there beings whose form of life we ​​can only see through microscopes? This is because our eyes have limited reach, not seeing what is too small or too far out of reach. So, the space between the Sun and the Earth is inhabited by various beings, various forms of life (intelligent, with feeling and with the strength of their life capable of influencing us). Another habitable world, with beings of a higher category and who, as it were, created a vast philosophical and scientific teaching among us human beings. Let the knowledge of Astrology, Cosmology, Astrophysics, Quantum Physics, Spiritual and all the like say!

So, my friends, we need to take a new look at man and his position within this visible and invisible universe. Universe that is now in disenchantment, thus removing the veil that hung over the mysteries, enigmas and phenomena about the lives and beings that compose it! Then, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION brought to everyone's knowledge that man is not and has never been alone in this immense universe;  it also brought Rational Knowledge, capable of promoting the Great Rational Fraternal Union among all these lives, to establish on Earth the foundations of a just society, capable of solidifying peace and consolidating fraternity and universal harmony! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria).  Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


Tantas classes de animais diferentes em cada eternidade.

E assim, tudo se transformando, naturalmente, em que cada eternidade diferente uma da outra, surgia o nascimento e a formação de novos animais e de novos seres celestiais.

Conforme tudo ia se transformando, cada eternidade, novas vidas, novos seres diferentes um dos outros.

Porque cada eternidade, uma formação de vida.

E é por isso que existe uma infinidade de classe de animais diferentes.

Porque cada eternidade deferentes umas das outras.

E assim foi a evolução do progresso das eternidades.

Em que em eternidades passadas, desconhecidas de todos, se passaram muitas civilizações diferentes umas das outras.

Por as eternidades serem todas diferentes.

E uma eternidade é uma coisa que parece ser eterna, mas não é, porque sempre houve as mudanças de uma eternidade para outra.

E por isso que há essa infinidade de classes diferentes, do reino animal, do reino vegetal e do reino mineral.

Porque, em cada eternidade, diferente uma da outra, surgiam infinidade de seres diferentes uns dos outros.

E é por isso que existem esses três reinos diferentes: animal, vegetal e mineral.

Devido as eternidades serem todas diferentes.

Sete eternidade, uma forma, com mais sete, outra forma e com mais sete, outra forma.

A primeira forma, animal; a Segunda forma, vegetal e a terceira forma, mineral.



A Natureza é ENERGIA, sendo assim é necessário conhecer os movimentos da energia natural da Natureza, para alcançar o equilíbrio neste mundo de matéria 

Uma vez que, tudo é regido pelo desenvolvimento da natureza em suas mecânicas. 

" Quais são as três energias?

Primeira – A Mediadora Racional.

Segunda – a energia elétrica.

Terceira – a energia magnética.

Daqui mais um pouquinho, essas três energias reunidas em uma só.

Qual é a uma só?

Energia Racional.

Energia verdadeira do básico mundo da origem de todos, a Energia Racional.

Por a fase natural da natureza ser a Fase Racional.

Então, essas três energias se reunirão dentro da Fase Racional.

E se tornarão uma energia só, Energia Racional.

A energia Mediadora do Astral Superior, a energia elétrica e a energia magnética.

Todas reunidas dentro da Fase Racional, se tornando uma só."




Antes de ser matéria, eram uma massa cósmica

Para que daí, dessa formação, se transformando em outros seres que foram, em princípio, os seres de matéria.

Antes de ser matéria, eram uma massa cósmica.

Essa massa cósmica, com o tempo, veio degenerando e se transformando no princípio da massa de matéria, que era muito diferente dessa, por ser uma massa pura, mais pura.

Por ser mais pura, tiveram uma longa duração, que pareciam ser eternos.

Na primeira eternidade, na segunda e na terceira.

Depois, essa massa mais pura foi enfraquecendo, por tudo ir se degenerando aos poucos.

Então, veio surgindo com o tempo, a massa mais impura e assim, cada vez mais impura e cada vez mais impura.


sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2020



"As obras Racionais não falham. As obras Racionais são firmes e sólidas; mais sólidas que qualquer rochedo gigantesco que possa existir. O que é Racional não desvirtua do seu ser em coisa alguma. A linha é uma só. A reta é uma só. Muitos, por não conhecerem o que é Racional, fazem confusões, como coisa que existissem confusões aonde elas não existem.

O que é Racional não é brincadeira de animal. Animal é que se julga ser o que não é, por não ter convicção real do seu ser; por isso, são alterosos nas suposições, nas filosofias, ficando vingadores de si mesmos. Mas nem em si mesmos confiam, que fará nas coisas dos outros animais.

Os animais, bichos humanos, não sabem o que fazem, sempre vagando com as suas mortíferas esperanças, sempre a si mesmo embromando, por serem desconhecidos de si mesmos. EU não levo em conta os embustes do ser impostor material, porque o que é Racional, tem convicção e plena certeza do seu ser, e o que é animal não tem essa convicção." (Pág.273/274, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERAÇÕES: É preciso e necessário esclarecermos que quando se fala em nova direção para o mundo, não há que se comparar com direção política, econômica ou social. A direção aqui mencionada é relacionada com os ditames naturais, aos meios naturais, os quais abandonamos com o passar do tempo ao criarmos um meio artificial de vida, onde as aparências passaram a ter mais valor do que a verdade. E mais ainda, essa nova direção é uma direção Racional, voltada para a razão; a razão de ser da vida, do mundo, de tudo e de todos.

E essa nova direção, esse novo rumo passa, exatamente, pela mudança de fase ocorrida na natureza! Sim, meus amigos, houve uma mudança de fase na natureza, uma mudança de rumo nos caminhos traçados para a evolução do ser humano na Terra! Como assim? Antes, a fase era a de animal Racional - a fase da civilização, fase essa impulsionada pelo desenvolvimento, evolução e progresso de duas energias: a Energia Elétrica e a Energia Magnética, que regem e governam o pensamento e a imaginação humanos. Essa fase alcançou o seu auge com o desenvolvimento intelectual, filosófico, científico, tecnológico e industrial. Mas como tudo aqui na matéria tem princípio e tem fim, essa fase chegou ao seu fim! E por ter chegado ao seu fim, é que o mundo vive essa onda de desequilíbrio, de destruição generalizada, de guerras e confusões, de "salve-se quem puder e se puder",  muito parecida com um fim de mundo (mas não se trata de fim de mundo e sim, fim de uma fase, de um rumo e a entrada de outra fase, outro rumo). 

E a pergunta que não quer calar é: que fase é essa, que rumo é esse? A Fase Racional, o Rumo Racional! Essa fase já foi anunciada há séculos passados por sábios, profetas, filósofos, astrólogos, inclusive nas Centúrias de Nostradamus ( sendo conhecida como a Fase do Racionalismo, a Fase do Terceiro Milênio). Essa fase é a fase da Racionalização Universal, na qual o ser humano vai conhecer o mundo de sua raça, se ligar a ele e saber como para ele retornar! Nessa fase, está em evolução, desenvolvimento e progresso na Terra, uma nova energia: a Energia Racional, cuja finalidade é a recuperação do ser humano, bem como o desenvolvimento de três novas faculdades suas: o desenvolvimento do Raciocínio; o desenvolvimento da Vidência Racional e o desenvolvimento do Aparelho Racional, que culminarão com a elevação do ser humano para uma classe superior de vida. 

E é exatamente nessa nova fase que reside a nova direção do mundo, posto que antes o mundo era regido pelos seus habitantes, governados, regidos e orientados pela Energia Elétrica e Magnética, através do pensamento e da imaginação e que passará a ser regido pela Energia Racional, através do Raciocínio, com a regência, o governo e a orientação do RACIONAL SUPERIOR, que é um Raciocínio Superior a todos os Raciocínios, um Raciocínio Supremo! Tudo isso passamos a conhecer agora, nas páginas brilhantes do Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO! (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria).

Saudações Racionais a todos!


Life, being made up of nothing, would one day have to stop being nothing, to be everything, through the knowledge of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. Living as they currently live, they have to frame life and the way of life as a cause of misery, fighting for so many things for nothing, looking for so many things to end up in nothing.

Through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION they will cease to be free thinkers, as they become aware of the true ideal.  The ideal of all is to want to find your definite situation and the definition of everything in the world, to find support from yourself and live with the conviction of knowing why you live, why this life, the life of all beings, who live  there, irremediably, appearing what they are not, imbued with this illusion. "(Page 246, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: Again we refer to the introductory part of the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, when its author, RATIONAL SUPERIOR, states verbatim: "This is the discovery of the two worlds: the electric and magnetic, which is the world we inhabit, and the other  world that is the RATIONAL PLAIN, from where we left and that gave rise to this, by deforming ourselves into Rational animals ".

So, if we are going to discover the world we inhabit, it is because we do not know it at all, we do not yet know it fully, mainly in its aspect considered "invisible" to our eyes!

Preambularly, we need to understand that the world we live in is a Great Hierarchy composed of living beings from upper classes and living beings from lower classes. Where do we want to go with such statements? To a great mystery that hitherto involved the human condition in the universe: that we were never alone in this immensity that is the universe! Yes, friends, man has never been alone in this universe!  I just never knew how to "see" in a clear and crystalline way the countless forms of intelligent lives that make up our world! And also due to a certain vanity and presumption of placing yourself in a position of superiority, which today we know to be apparent.

In the world we live in, everyone has life, feeling, intelligence and the strength of their life! Oh, and everyone talks and understands and communicates with each other, within their respective categories and vibrations of lives. But the human being does not "understand", does not "see" and for this reason and because of his absolute materialism, he tends to deny the existence of the other lives that make up the world in which we live. Then, starting with space, the Rational Knowledge contained in the Work UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT clarifies that it is full of lives. Yes, my friends, don't you see the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Planets? All of these beings have life, intelligence, feeling and, amazingly, "speak", communicate with each other, with each other! Up there in space it is a damned chatter: It is the Sun speaking, the Moon speaking, the Stars speaking the Planets speaking, because they are lives and everything that has life "speaks", has its form of communication, of vibration. Some long-range and highly sensitive devices, used by scientists, pick up these "frequencies", these communications. But the human being does not understand and does not understand because they are forms of communication between higher category beings.

Just as there are these visible beings in space, there are also invisible ones!  That's right, my friends! And we don't have to go that far to reach that understanding! Right here in the life of matter, which is matter, aren't there beings whose form of life we ​​can only see through microscopes? This is because our eyes have limited reach, not seeing what is too small or too far out of reach. So, the space between the Sun and the Earth is inhabited by various beings, various forms of life (intelligent, with feeling and with the strength of their life capable of influencing us). Another habitable world, with beings of a higher category and who, as it were, created a vast philosophical and scientific teaching among us human beings. Let the knowledge of Astrology, Cosmology, Astrophysics, Quantum Physics, Spiritual and all the like say!

So, my friends, we need to take a new look at man and his position within this visible and invisible universe. Universe that is now in disenchantment, thus removing the veil that hung over the mysteries, enigmas and phenomena about the lives and beings that compose it! Then, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION brought to everyone's knowledge that man is not and has never been alone in this immense universe;  it also brought Rational Knowledge, capable of promoting the Great Rational Fraternal Union among all these lives, to establish on Earth the foundations of a just society, capable of solidifying peace and consolidating fraternity and universal harmony! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria).  Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!



No one will want to any longer want to be under the influence of the electric and magnetic, the fluid of the irrational animals, the electric and magnetic fluids. 

No one will want to any longer want to be under the domain of these influences, the 
electric and magnetic fluid, the fluid of the irrational animals, due to the origin of the 
beings being discovered, the origin of the Rational being. 

Everyone will only want to be under the influence of the fluid of one’s origin, of the 
Rational Fluid, of the fluid of the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, of the fluid of one’s base of origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN, given that in the world is the discovery of the origin of the Rational animals and of the reason why you were Rational animals. 

The origin of all beings has been discovered, of the irrational being and the Rational being, their base of origin. No one will any longer want to be under the influence of the electric and magnetic fluid, as you know very well, are the influences to the irrationals, to the irrational animals. 

Everyone will get to know what the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, to become 
immune as soon as possible, to be under the influence of your base of origin, and that is why you are Rational animals. You will disconnect yourselves from the basis of the animal, you will disconnect yourselves from the influences of the electric and magnetic fluid and you will connect yourselves to your basis of Rational origin. You will connect 
yourselves to the basis of the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, so that everything will work out in everyone’s life. 

The Rational Fluid enters the ‘I’ of the person, clarifies as to everything that is necessary for the balance of the person. 

No one will any longer want to be under the domination and influences of the electric 
and magnetic fluid, the basis of the irrational animal. Everyone will disconnect from this basis and will connect to their Rational basis; will disconnect from the basis of the irrational animal and connecting to the basis of your origin of Rational. 

And so, notice what a change you will undergo, what a splendorous change, what a change, as if from the filthy one to the clean one. What a change you will undergo, from the bad one to the good one, a very important change to everyone’s balance. In the electric and magnetic there is everything bad; there is the unconsciousness, there is the filthiness, after all, all the poisons together. 

What a change! You will let go, you will abandon the basis of the irrational animal, of the electric and magnetic fluid, and get the Rational Fluid, get the pure, clean, and perfect. What a change! From the filthy to the clean, from the wrong one to the right one. What a change! And so, everyone winning with the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, with the fluid inside one’s ‘I’ governing everyone so that everyone will live from good to better. The fluid of the true natural of everyone is everything, and the fluid of the irrational animal, the electric and magnetic, to the human being, is nothing. 

The fluid of the apparent everything and the Rational Fluid of the true everything. What a big change from the good to the bad! And so, the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION reigning among everyone. The Rational Fluid among everyone for everyone’s good, for everyone’s happiness, for everyone’s good understanding among all, and so receiving the Rational Divine Grace, the fluid of your origin that is over there, all uncovered, so that everyone can get to know where you came from, how you came, where you are going to, and how you are going. 

No one will want to be at the mercy of the electric and magnetic fluid, the poisonous 
fluid, the fluid that contains all ruins of the world, the evil fluid, the fluid of the savages, the fluid of the monsters, the fluid that causes all ruins that exist in the world, the electric and magnetic fluid. That is why the world is of suffer, tears, and pain. What a change you will undergo, from filthy to clean, from unbalance to balance, from enchantment to disenchantment! Disenchantment means you are disenchanted, you realized the reason why you suffered in this world without knowing the reason; you are disenchanted, knowing the reason of disenchantment of all agonizing humanity’s suffering. 

No one will want to any longer live in enchantment, under the influence of the fluids of the irrational being. No one will want to stay enchanted. Everyone looking for the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, to disenchant and get the fluid of your true origin, the Rational Fluid, because you are Rational animals and you have to be guided and receive all influences of your base of origin, the Rational base. 

Everyone with the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT in their hands, getting to know all this trajectory of the world, of the origin of the world, of the life of all beings, of the origin of all beings, and of your Rational Origin. 

Everyone getting to ascertain themselves of the great discovery of their true natural, that is over there, because you were considered Rational animals. There is the discovery of the origin, the base, the RATIONAL PLAIN, and because you are of Rational Origin, you were qualified as Rational animals. You knew that you were of an origin of something pure, but you did not know what this pure thing was, and today, this pure thing has been discovered, which is of pure, clean, perfect, and without defect Rationals. There it is, the origin of the Rational animal. Now, everything is discovered in the disenchantment, because in the enchantment you could not know anything of your origin, because you were under the influence of the electric and magnetic fluid, of the fluids of the irrational being, also living like beasts, due to you being under the electric and magnetic fluids, which are for the influence of the irrational animals. 

Everyone filled with joy. The joy will be very great among all because the true origin of everyone has been discovered; where you came from, how you came, where you are going to, and how you are going. There it is, the discovery of the reason why you are 
there, of why you are like that, of why the world is like that. Because enchanted as you were, under the influences of the electric and magnetic, you could not, in any way, know and get to know your origin, the origin of everything and of the world. 

Great celebrations, much happiness, everyone with great pleasure to live, happily satisfied, due to getting to know their true origin of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals. Through the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION you will acquire the Rational Fluid, for everyone’s balance and to communicate with your basis of origin, the Rational basis, the RATIONAL PLAIN, to be in contact with your basis of origin, be clarified from your basis of origin, receiving all clarifications coming from your basis of origin to the wellbeing, to the balance of all, so that everyone will live from good to better, very happy in everything, everything working out in everyone’s life, for everyone’s good, for everyone’s happiness, for everyone’s serenity, for everyone’s peace, for everyone’s contentment, for everyone’s overall satisfaction because over there is the balance of life through the Rational Fluid, which enters the electric and magnetic apparatus.

All immune ones will clarify everything that is necessary, everything that is needed, for the good balance of the human being. What a great modification you will make. After immune, always from good to better. The enchanted ones always from bad to worse, and the disenchanted ones always from good to better. 

There it is, the basis of the electric and magnetic fluid, of the enchantment, which governs the irrational animals, fre thinkers. 

In the basis of the Rational animals, which is the RATIONAL PLAIN, up there, where there are the others with their progress of purity, pure, clean, and perfect, without defects. In the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, as you already know and are aware of, is all trajectory of where you came from, how you came, where you are going to, and how you are going. 

By the Rational Fluid, the fluid of the Rational animal’s natural, everyone is guided by their basis of origin, pure, clean, and perfect, and not by the basis of the animal, which is the basis of the endless experiences, of the endless doubts, of the endless hopes. 

The basis of the animal, the basis of the irrational, the basis of the electric and 
magnetic fluid, is the cause of all ruins that exist in the world, because it is deformed. 

The frightening enchantment is frightening because of the electric and magnetic, because both are evil and that is why the best jewel in the world is suffering. 

The electric and magnetic does not provide anyone with peace, does not provide anyone with serenity, does not provide anyone with happiness because it is deformed, but it provides with unrest, one after another, all of evil in the electric and magnetic. 

Good only apparently, the good one only in appearance, and because all is apparent, you live off illusions, fantasies, all appearances, all lies, to begin with life itself, which is not a real life. Real life is that of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals, and that is why they are eternal. 

Then, there is the settlement of all, the greatest jewel in the world, which is the 
RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which is the Rational Fluid, the fluid of everyone’s origin, the fluid of good deeds, the pure, clean, and perfect fluid, the Rational Fluid, 
which will provide everyone with true balance. 

The electric and magnetic fluid is the cause of all unbalance in the human being, the magnetic and electric. 

In the magnetic is all turmoil of the person, are all pains, all suffering in general. In the magnetic fluid are all passions, desperations, sadness, and all ruins produced by the magnetic fluid: madness, irritability, diseases, all influence of the magnetic fluid. 

Now, when the person knows his true origin, he will no longer want to be under the influence of the electric and magnetic fluid. Yes, he now knows his true natural, he wants to know about the fluid of his nature, of his Rational Origin, of the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. Until now, no one knew of their origin, where their came from and where they are going to. 

Today everyone knows the origin of the human being, which is different from the 
irrational. The magnetic and electric are influences of the irrational. 

The human being was under the influence of these two poisons, the electric and magnetic, under these two negative influences to the human being. And so, the good manifests itself on the irrational animals because the irrational animals are of this electric and magnetic basis, that is why they are irrationals.

Now, that which is Rational is of a very different basis, and that is why you are 
Rational animals. You are of a pure origin and you deformed yourselves, as you are 
already well aware about the beginning of the deformation. Because you know your true origin, you are under the domination and under the influence of your origin, the Rational Origin. Once aware what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, one is immune and the fluid of the Rational Origin enters into the ‘I’ of the person so that everything of good and well gets to be resolved. 

The way you were, you were like the irrational, being dominated and guided by the electric and magnetic fluid, the guide of the animal. 

The magnetic fluid is what was the origin and cause of the formation of all beasts, of 
all irrational animals. The electric and magnetic is what originated to this formation. 

The human being is of a pole, the Rational pole, and the irrationals of a different pole, 

of the electric and magnetic. The RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION balances the person and the electric and magnetic causes unbalance of the person. The electric and magnetic throws one against the other, it does not allow anyone to have peace. The Rational Fluid gives peace and unites all, the good understanding among all, because it is Rational. 

Under the electric and magnetic fluid, it is as you are seeing humanity, everyone 
understanding everything and in a little bit, in disagreement; understanding and in a little bit in disagreement, one against the other. 

The electric and magnetic provides unbalance, the unbalance in the human being, because the human being was not made to be, to have the influence from the irrational animal. 

The influence of the human being is another one, it is the Rational. So, Rationally is everything and electric and magnetically is nothing. Everything is well explained to understand well and comprehend well the effect and the action of the electric and magnetic, and the effect and action of the Rational Fluid. 

You never had any knowledge about the Rational Fluid, nor has it been reflected over here to no one. Only now, through the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, in the book 

Now, yes, you will be dominated by the fluid of your origin, the Rational Fluid. But 
until now, it never had come here to Earth, the Rational Fluid, otherwise you would have had discovered the origin of all long ago. 

Now, yes, the origin of all is over there, from the RATIONAL PLAIN. Now you are aware of where you came from, where you are going to, and how you are going. 

It has been said that the human being belonged to something pure, but this pure thing has never been found, until now, that it is proved as it is over there, that the origin is from the origin of Rationals. 

You were completely unaware of the origin of the human being; now you are beginning to be aware of it. And to consciously assure yourselves of it, you need to read constantly so you can then possess the fluid of your origin, the Rational Fluid. 

The Rational Fluid is pure, clean, and perfect because it is of the Rational basis, the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

So, the greatest treasure of all has arrived in the world, the greatest jewel of all, the 
greatest richness of all, which is the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. The most important discovery of all times, the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.

To be continued


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quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2020



"Todos vivem atrás de ficar bem e não mal. Está aí a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL e com ela, o bem. Quem já tem o conhecimento da Escrituração de salvação eterna deve procurar se salvar o mais depressa possível, por meio da imunização. Para esta solução é preciso apenas ter o conhecimento de posse do seu "eu", principalmente os trechos básicos mais importantes desta obra. 

Isto que aqui está, é o conhecimento mais importante que chegou ao mundo. É a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL.  Não é conversa de papagaios de outrora, que os tolos de hoje ainda adotam para poderem ter um bom lugar lá em cima, um cantinho, quando chegar lá. 

E assim vive o mundo, cheio de tantas asneiras, para o paliativo de tanta cegueira explorada pelos encantados, adotando semelhante encanto para  encantarem os javalis da  plebe fraca, adormecida por esse jugo   sacrilegiado, que sempre manteve a vida de todos em mistério e em sofrimento." (Pág. 272/273, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERAÇÕES: E a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL será acatada entre todos, universalmente, porque traz em seu bojo uma Superior Cultura de Origem, a Cultura Racional! "CULTURA RACIONAL É UMA CULTURA QUE VEIO NOS ESCLARECER DE ONDE VIEMOS E PARA ONDE VAMOS. O objetivo dessa cultura é esclarecer a origem do mundo e sua criação e esclarecer a volta de todos ao seu Mundo de Origem, pelo desenvolvimento do Raciocínio. 

Por intermédio dessa cultura há o ligamento do ser humano, por meio do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, a ligação ao Mundo de Origem, o MUNDO RACIONAL, e de lá recebendo todas as orientações precisas para o seu bem viver equilibrado racionalmente na vida da matéria. 

É uma cultura consciente e positiva por ter base que é o nosso Mundo de Origem e lógica porque desvenda todos os mistérios e todos os enigmas.

É uma cultura que não há mistérios, nem enigmas. 

É a definição verdadeira da origem da humanidade. 

É uma cultura que define o mundo antes de tudo assim ser e a causa e a origem de tudo que existe nessa galáxia terrena.

E de forma que o objetivo da CULTURA RACIONAL é a volta de toda a humanidade ao seu verdadeiro Mundo de Origem, o MUNDO RACIONAL. 

E esse Conhecimento, por ser um Conhecimento verdadeiro, natural da natureza, é em favor de tudo que existe no mundo, em favor de todos, porque é um Conhecimento da nossa verdadeira origem. E de forma que este Conhecimento é da natureza, em favor de tudo que existe. É a continuação de tudo que existe, é a continuação da ciência filosófica e científica, de todas as seitas, doutrinas e religiões. Porque tudo isso foi feito pelas ferramentas que a natureza fez, gerou, criou e mantém. 

E de forma que CULTURA RACIONAL, esclarece com base e com lógica toda a formação do Universo e sua criação com os mínimos detalhes. Não há mistérios, nem enigmas, por ser uma cultura de um Mundo Superior ao nosso, que é o MUNDO RACIONAL,  o mundo verdadeiro do animal de Origem Racional. 

Nessa cultura, dos extraterrenos, do RACIONAL SUPERIOR, encontram as soluções de tudo de princípio a fim, completamente definidas. É uma Obra completa porque tem base e lógica. O verdadeiro Conhecimento de paz, amor e fraternidade, onde encontrarão a Concórdia Universal. Por ser do verdadeiro Mundo de Origem do animal de Origem Racional. Feita essa Obra na linguagem do povo, numa linguagem simples para que todos possam compreender e interpretar". (RACIONAL SUPERIOR). Colaboração: Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria.

Saudações Racionais a todos!



"They did not know the world with their deeds. And so, because they were made out of nothing, they never knew how they were made, much less what they were before this nothing came up, why this nothing was born, how did this nothing come about for the formation of this  everything was apparent. They were then completely unknown to their own origin and the origin of everything, which is why they remained enchanted. Enchanted because they did not know how to provide solutions or solutions to the origin of their being, of all beings and of the world. " (Page 240, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: The popular saying goes: "knowledge does not occupy a place". We all live in this world based on knowledge, on knowledge passed down through generations and generations, without ever being able to basically question the knowledge transmitted. A kind of artificial knowledge, which does not delve deeply into the elementary issues of being and the living conditions of beings. A knowledge aimed only at a superficial analysis, for an analysis only of the facts of daily life and the problems arising from them, disregarding the maxim that "there is no effect without a cause", that there is a reason for everything, that  nothing happens by chance and by chance.

Today, we are suffering the consequences of this apparent, artificial, superficial knowledge, as we see in the daily news about the situation of humanity! Humanity is plunged into the existential crisis;  involved in internal and external conflicts;  who lives in constant unrest and without security; plagued by waves of violence and attacks around the world; without freedom of expression and without freedom to come and go; oppressed by an ideology in favor of a few and to the detriment of many, in short, all sorts of ill-treatment!

And the big question that does not want to remain silent is: how did we get to this situation if we are civilized beings today? It is necessary and necessary to seek a knowledge that explains to us, based and with logic, how we arrived at this situation and the reason, the reasons, the causes of the world to be like this! It is from this knowledge that we all, without distinction, need to know how to resolve and solve the serious crisis that we are going through! Only superior wisdom, from a Higher World, endowed with highly cultural, constructive and peaceful knowledge can free us from the abyss!

This Knowledge, this Knowledge, has now arrived on Earth, coming directly from the World of Origin of everything and everyone, for the definitive solution of everything and everyone!  That knowledge, my friends, is contained in the Books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!

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E assim, todos chorando pelo que está se passando consigo, todos desorientados, todos sem saber o que vão fazer, todos num desequilíbrio Infernal, todos sem sossego, muitos em ruínas das ruínas e o ponto é desolador, a desolação de muitos.

Tudo isto, é proveniente da mudança de fase da natureza.

Há sempre esses grandes abalos nos seus feitos. 

Ninguém é culpado da evolução natural da natureza e por isso é universal esse grande flagelo da humanidade. 

Muitos julgam ser por causa disto, por causa daquilo e quando não é nada disso, é fator natural da natureza em evolução, para a lapidação e amadurecimento de seus feitos.

Para que todos tomem conhecimento das mudanças normais da natureza.

Que, entrando em contato e tomando conhecimento da fase que mudou, tudo mudando para melhor, tudo mudando e acertando por estar dentro da fase natural da natureza.

A fase é Racional e para ajustar tudo e para ajustar todos, tem que ser recuperado pela fase. 

Uma vez dentro da fase, a própria fase trata de normalizar tudo de todos.

Porque se trata de uma evolução natural da natureza.

A natureza é a geradora, criadora e que mantém todos e que governa todos.

Então, reconher a fase natural da natureza e entrar para a fase, tudo se normaliza naturalmente, porque estão dentro da fase natural da natureza.

A fase tratando de equilibrar tudo e equilibrar todos.

Por existirem duas fases: a fase de animal Racional que terminou e os seus feitos entraram em liquidação e a Fase Racional, a fase de recuperação do animal Racional.

Uma vez todos dentro da fase de recuperação, regulariza tudo, equilibra tudo e todos normalmente e naturalmente favorecidos pela fase, amparados pela fase, protegidos pela fase, orientados pela fase e tudo dando certo por estar dentro da fase.

Então, isso depende mais um pouquinho de conhecimento e reconhecimento de toda a humanidade.

Das mudanças de fase naturais da natureza que a humanidade desconhece.

E apenas tomar conhecimento, para que tudo se restabeleça; tomar conhecimento da Fase Racional.

Procurando saber o porquê que a fase de animal Racional terminou e o porquê que entrou a Fase Racional.

São mudanças normais naturais da natureza, para que todos voltem ao seu verdadeiro Mundo de Origem, o MUNDO RACIONAL.

E assim, está aí a fase de recuperação do animal Racional e a fase de liquidação é essa que terminou, liquidação de todas as formas, de todas as maneiras, física, moral, artificial e capital. 

Capital quer dizer, financeira. 

É um desequilíbrio normal e natural da natureza, para que todos tomem conhecimento do seu verdadeiro Mundo de Origem - o MUNDO RACIONAL. 





So, everyone over there in darkness, and that is why night is not natural and the day is not either. Because it is not natural, there is unbalance. The night is cold and the day is hot. There it is, the unbalance. The night is dark and the day is bright, it is not natural. 

The day is of the electric and the night of the magnetic. That which is natural has stability, and that which is not natural does not have stability. The true natural is one only thing, and that which is not natural varies. So, many, because they don’t know the true natural, think that the natural is this one, and are not happy with this natural. If it is a scorcher, they complain, because it is not the true natural. If the night is too cold, freezing, they complain, because it is not the true natural. 

The true natural you are now getting to know, the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. This is what the true natural is, of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals. You adopted this natural that no one accepts, no one accepts floods, no one accepts tornadoes, hurricanes, lightings, epidemics, diseases, suffering, death, quakes. You are imperfect, full of defects. No one accepts any of that, with this natural, and yet you contradict yourselves in saying that the natural one is this one, not accepting any of these things and other things, not knowing the reason for things to be like that, but at the same time you contradict yourselves in not accepting it. 

The living being keeps living like that, with all those contradictions, without knowing 
how to find the right reason for all of it, living in a world without knowing why you were living, not accepting this natural like that, and at the same time saying that the natural one is this one, seeing and feeling that the natural could not be this one, because no one accepts all of those evils. 

So, living without knowing why you were living, talking without knowing what you were talking about, and blaming a mysterious and imaginary being for all of this, and this mysterious imaginary one taking the blame for all of this without deserving it. All of that because you did not know for sure who did all of this. So, you then imagined that some mysterious being did all of that, which was over there. 

Now you are knowing the true thing, you are knowing the origin of everything, you are knowing what the world is, it is a consequence of their own inhabitants, noticing how much wasted time inside this lonely hole, which is the world. Today you are knowing the reason for the world to be like this and the reason for everyone to be like this, where all of this originated from, how it originated for it to have gotten to this point of unawareness about everything. You see the nullity of everything, the nullity of your enchanted being, which you were, and today you are disenchanted ones. In knowing the reason for everything, you see how much wasted time of lost battles in this vague illusion, which is enchantment and your formation of enchanted ones without any solution, only now there is a solution through the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. 

This is for you to see that you were so blind that you did not know what you were talking about, and that is why you always suffered, because you were out of your true natural of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals. Now, the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION has arrived to take everyone out from there to your true natural through the knowledge of your true natural, which is in the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.

Everyone will have the fluid of his origin, and in having the fluid of your origin, you will are Rationally Immune. When you are Rationally Immune, you will live rationally. 
So, the world will become a Rational paradise, because you will progress rationally, because the progress is Rational. Everyone living happy, joyful, and content because they live rationally, and because of that, life will get longer. You could not continue to live under the domination of the electric and magnetic, because it is a basis to which the Rational animal does not belong. So, a clean and triumphant direction to get to your basis of origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN. You will get to it naturally, because you are connected through the Rational Fluid, knowing your true world. 

When you enter your true world and understanding yourself with the inhabitants of your true world, all evils that were bothering the Rational animal will end. Everything will be under a Rational Formula, and from that there will be the transformation of this deformation to the natural state of pure, clean, and perfect ones. Earth will rise naturally. 

It will rise and transform itself into its natural state. All of it naturally and going through many natural transformations, and naturally, without any kind of turmoil, because everything that is natural is not felt. And so, everything will arrive at their places. As a simple comparison with the sperm, which is a liquid. No one would say in that liquid everything transforms itself normally and naturally. And so is this nature and this world. Everything transforms itself naturally. The material generations transform themselves until their natural extinctions, through many normal rules, because there will come a time when procreation will end, there will come a time when everything will end its reproduction, and the extinction of all beings will come about, as the extinction of many beings has already happened in the past, of many animals known by people of this time and others unknown, during the time when you were primitive stutterers, who did not understand things. Just like those animals extinguished themselves, when the time came to end their reproduction, the same time will come when all animals will end, because the time to end their production will come, for the irrationals as well as for the Rationals. 

All of that is very natural, the extinction of everything will come very naturally, and 
all will happen in its time, a normal and natural thing no one will feel, everything transforming itself from this deformation to its natural state. So, the moon will diminish its phases, the sun much smaller, everything will be getting smaller and taking different forms, everything getting back to what it was before. Time passes by, times come, and everything changes itself because the reason is only one. Which is the reason? The Rational one! You deformed yourselves, like you are now noticing this in time. The time of transformation from this deformation to your natural state of Rationals. 

The times come so naturally and everything will arrive at their places so naturally. Notice how you came, how you are living, so many changes you underwent and how many you are undergoing, and the ones you will undergo to get to your place of origin of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals. And so, the enchanted world is approaching its end through the natural orders of things. So, are you not noticing that this world is an enchantment, which no one was understanding the reason for it to be like that, the reason for everyone to be like that, and the reason for everything to be like that? No one was understanding it and that is why everyone is unaware of everything and unaware about yourselves. So, you take the world as an enigma and all its beings as enigmatic.

You stay like that because you do not have any means to know the why the world was like this, of is like that. You all are lost inside over there without knowing how to provide any solution to this enigmatic world, which no one knows where it came from, where it derived from, where you derived from. Many thought of it like a diabolic thing, saying: “This was a ball of fire that fell from up there and transformed itself into this world.” And others with other versions, others with other theories, others with many infinites. 

There are many versions, the theories, they are many and everything stays the same, 
without solution, everyone’s agony continued, bitterness, to find a solution to this world, without explanation, no one could provide one. Like a moth that keeps circling, flying around a light without being able to explain the reason for the light, so was the human being inside this world where he lives without being able to explain why he lives there, much less explain the reason for the existence of the world like that. Today the knowledge about the history of everything is arriving, which comprises the complete revelation of the generation, creation, and its extinction. 

Congratulations to everyone, with the true happiness over there in your hands, which is the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which has the blueprint of this enchantment, of this enchanted world. All of this should already have arrived, but now is it that the time has come for this great and astounding revelation, and because the true natural is not this deformed one, and because this is not the true world, because this is a world of lies, and that is why it ends. 

These messages continue in the third volume of the Works 


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  CÓMO ES LA INMUNIZACIÓN Existen los ciegos de ojos abiertos, que no acreditarán que esto vendrá para vuestro tiempo. Argumentando de diver...