Postagens em Destaque

segunda-feira, 6 de maio de 2024



"Indigenous people, who do not have the resources of civilized people, although they are the same human beings, are stronger than civilized people, because they limit themselves in everything and thus, they weaken themselves less, precisely because they are removed from the pleasures and progress enjoyed by indigenous people. civilized.

I say: - "How beautiful to know! So many things created against the living! How much unconsciousness! Therefore, this progress has been going backwards for a long time. Everyone is weakening, everyone is degenerating and dwindling. When there weren't so many variations, people lasted much more, they were stronger, the durability of life was greater: three hundred years, four hundred, five hundred, etc... As they progressed, they weakened and tended to weaken more and more until extinction.

They talk about conscience, but the truly conscious person does not do or adopt anything against themselves. The unconscious, thinking that it is doing well, lives apparently satisfied with the life it leads, which is why it is said that they are two individuals in one. On the outside it is one and inside it is quite different. Later I will prove that they are seven in one."


CONSIDERATIONS: And so is this life, which we think is true life, and it is true that for this reason we say that this is life! Today, more experienced and mature, we need to take a more realistic look at life and our existence on this planet Earth. Could it really be that the form of life, in matter, is the natural form of life? Is this way of life really true? If so, why does this life end, why do we die, since what is true should not come to an end, because the truth is always truth, the truth is eternal? And even more so, why doesn't anyone conform and accept death as being a true, natural thing if for millions and millions of years everyone has been being born and dying? If dying is natural, what is the reason why nonconformity and the resulting suffering remain to this day? Shouldn't we already be "accustomed", accustomed and resigned? Why do we still feel so sad when we lose a friend or loved one? Is it because we have permanently lost contact with them?

Well done! Rational Knowledge brings a new approach to these questions! Based on this Knowledge, we come to truly know ourselves, to know who we are, where we came from, where we are going, how we came and how we are going! And how does this happen? Through clarifications coming directly from our true origin, to us here on planet Earth. Yes friends, we have a true origin, a place where we came from, where we left and here we ended up! Or do you think that we came from nothing being, from nothing existing and that there is no before being? Before being is exactly what we were, before being what we are! In everything there is before being! Before we were old, we were adults; before we were adults, we were teenagers; before we were teenagers, we were children; Before we were children, we were babies; Before we were babies, we were a fetus in the making! Before we were a fetus in formation, we were a semen that fertilized an egg! And before this fertilization, what were we? And before matter existed, what existed? Did life already exist? Rational Knowledge makes it clear to us that life pre-exists matter! Yes, because before matter existed, life already existed! And what life was that? Yes, friends, think about this with great care and propriety! Nothing exists by chance, for everything there is a reason for being!

Rational Knowledge proves and proves to us with absolute property that death is not a natural thing! That it is not natural to die! And because it is not natural, no one conforms to it, no one accepts it. He says he apparently accepts it, but truly, he doesn't accept it! And do you know why, my friends? Because true life is not made of matter, and because, truly, no one was made to die!

But if this is not true life, what is true life then? Rational Knowledge makes it clear to us that Rational Life is pure, clean, perfect and without defects and as such, it is eternal! And where does this life exist? In the RATIONAL WORLD! And it is exactly from the RATIONAL WORLD that all these clarifications come! Hence the surprise of all humanity at the enormity of these clarifications.

Therefore, we are now having knowledge about true life, which is Rational Life and, being able to enter it, through the Rational Knowledge contained in the UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT Books!

(By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to everyone!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Então, pergunta o vivente: - "E quem dá este conhecimento?" E EU respondo: - É o RACIONAL SUPERIOR. E o ...