Postagens em Destaque

quarta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2024



"With IMMUNIZATION, RATIONAL, the living being feels excited to live, because he knows the reason for living, why he lives, where he came from and where he is going. He knows that if he is immunized, he is more than right and the living being that nothing You know this, when you become disillusioned with life, you no longer want to live and end it, because you can't find the support that gives you the courage to live. Only with the support of immunization does the living person feel the courage to live, because they know they will be saved eternally and how salvation is achieved, the Universal Redemption. Then, he feels happy, recognized of his great happiness, has taste and pleasure in life and knows how to describe everything practically as it is, what it is and what it is not."

(Page 216/217, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: This is one of the countless changes for the better that have occurred in the lives of everyone who starts to study Rational Knowledge! And the reason for these changes for the better lies in the fact that, when studying the UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT Books, human beings begin to live in favor of their nature, a nature that is of Rational origin. And because it is of Rational origin, it gradually organizes and balances everyone's lives.

Human beings have been begging for changes for the better, in life and in the world, for a long time. In this sense, human beings grew, evolved, developed, progressed and sought to create ways of organizing life in order to provide comfort and well-being for everyone. However, because human beings do not know themselves and do not know the natural changes that occur in nature, their objectives were limited to good intentions.

Today, through Rational Knowledge, we learn that there has been a change of phase in nature, a change in the direction of everyone's life and the world. The Rational Animal phase of civilization ended and the Rational Phase entered nature, the phase of development of Reasoning, the substitute for thought and imagination. So, we have two phases in the world: one of liquidation of the deeds of the phase that ended, causing the imbalance of human beings, the increase in violence, crime and monstrosities, which led human beings to live in this situation of "save yourself whoever can and if he can." And another phase, which is the phase of recovery of human beings and humanity, the Rational Phase, phase of peace, love, fraternity and universal harmony.

To enter this new phase and benefit from it, balancing your life and recovering in every way, just read and re-read the brilliant pages of the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT! And this in any place suitable for reading, since there are no temples, synagogues, preaching houses, etc., for the practice of this reading, because the Book has no relationship with sects, doctrines, religions, spiritualism, occult or philosophical sciences and scientific. (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to everyone!


  CÓMO ES LA INMUNIZACIÓN Existen los ciegos de ojos abiertos, que no acreditarán que esto vendrá para vuestro tiempo. Argumentando de diver...