Postagens em Destaque

segunda-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2023



"Reading, knowledge, is simply an instruction of the beginning and end of everything; definition and formation of everything. After the living being is immunized, he sees everything, complete and perfect of everything. See how many steps are lost by those who do not know the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which everyone needs.

Thus, the dominant currents, dominating everyone for a fraternal union, through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. All vibrating, all eloquent, all moved by the knowledge, which affects everyone's feelings, rising above all points of view, for the benefit of the living themselves. The living, joyful and happy, due to the certainty that they have of being more certain than everyone else, of the true path. The Rational basis is very different from the ezefridas or zerefuridas; that is to say, spiritualism in confusion with itself and its belongings." (Page 205, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: Some time ago I started the walk and saw the end point of the walk! The path is serene and the Road is Illuminated! The mission, now, is to awaken my fellow man, encouraging him to walk and make the Crossing, so that we can all join together in the Origin, which appears to us stronger and more present every day, with its powerful force of union of everyone and everything, converging towards the implementation of peace, love, fraternity and universal harmony! The origin calls and the time has come!

And seeking the true origin means walking on the right road to meet the SUPREME CREATOR!

And who is the SUPREME CREATOR? A Reasoning Superior to all Reasonings, a Supreme Reasoning that created everything, did everything, generated everything, in a pure, clean and perfect way, as is our true origin! Therefore, we are of Rational origin and scientifically we were classified as Rational Animals, or better said, animals of Rational origin.

And at the true origin is the SUPREME CREATOR! The origin is Rational, therefore, if we are of Rational origin it is because whoever created us, who made us, who generated us, is RATIONAL, superior to us! Who made us Rational? Another Rational, superior to us. So this is RATIONAL SUPERIOR! That generated and created and formed the origin, in a pure, clean and perfect way! And seeking the true origin represents the true path! And anyone who walks this road knows and is absolutely certain, based on the evidence they have acquired, that they are on the right path!

Therefore, I invite everyone to seek this and other clarifications, in Rational Culture, the culture of the development of Reasoning and which is contained in the Book Universe in Disenchantment, authored by RATIONAL SUPERIOR! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to everyone!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS.  Enfim, nesta conjectura da vida, que é o raciocínio ou o pensamento, encontra o ser humano dificuldades para se libertar...