Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 22 de julho de 2023



"Everything comes to an end. Three hundred years ago, nature was stronger. Six hundred years ago, stronger still. Nine hundred years ago, still stronger. The further the ages become from our time, the stronger nature was , more powerful in everything than it currently is.

Humans lasted much longer, their construction was of giants and Hercules, they were a rustic, peaceful and calm people. But from these dates until now, everything has diminished more and more, and everything has diminished due to the progress of degeneration. The son is weaker than the father, being made from the remains of his father; the grandfather, stronger than his son and grandson, for being the latter, products of his remains; and the great-grandfather, the great-great-grandfather, each one stronger and so on."

(Page 267/268, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: We have already said that at the time when humanity was governed by the alphabet of astrology, life and the world were much better! Everyone knew each other, inside and out! Soon, no one could deceive anyone. No one could betray, steal, live in appearance, feeling one thing and pretending another, no one could kill, because they knew they would be discovered, no one could deceive anyone, there was more respect and authenticity in the way of life of the people of that time!

We also said that this alphabet of astrology was given by the Supreme High Court of Astrology, responsible for the good of all, for the balance of all. With that alphabet, everyone who followed it would return to our World of Origin, which effectively happened with its followers, who are today there in the RATIONAL WORLD, living as pure, clean and perfect, with their progress of purity.

At the time of the validity of this alphabet on Earth, the human being was in a superior class of life, that is, the Class of Rational Mediator. Mediator because it was halfway to returning to our Origin World. And in that Class, the human being was connected to the Rational Mediator Energy, an energy superior to the electric and magnetic energy, to which we are connected today.

But since everyone in the world is different from one another and everyone is unequal, there have always been good and bad people. Therefore, the bad guys of primitive civilizations, dissatisfied with the descriptions of the astrology alphabet that they carried in the palms of their hands, tried to spread their dissatisfaction among everyone, motivating them to create another alphabet, which would expand their desires! And they created a "slogan" for this purpose: "with this new alphabet, everyone can give expansion to all their desires"!

Therefore, over time and with the emergence of new generations, they tried to teach only the new alphabet created by them, thus changing from right to wrong and changing from the astrology alphabet to the artificial alphabet, which prevails until today! This change of alphabet, over time, also caused humanity to disconnect from the Rational Mediating Energy and connect to electrical and magnetic energy. This new connection has led humanity to that lower class of life we ​​live in today, a life where everyone lives against each other and destroys each other for nothing, just like the Irrationals.

This change of alphabet also "revolted" Natural Astrology, motivating the opening of the door for the emergence of true Spiritism on Earth, as a way to help all humanity, but this subject will be dealt with in due course!

(By Antonio dos Santos and Angela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Então, pergunta o vivente: - "E quem dá este conhecimento?" E EU respondo: - É o RACIONAL SUPERIOR. E o ...