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quinta-feira, 29 de abril de 2021



There are blind ones with open eyes who will not believe that this will come to their time. Arguing in many ways, without knowing that RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is a natural knowledge of definition of everything, completely independent of all philosophies and super philosophies, which value is in the knowledge and which knowledge is suffices for reaching Immunization, due to the Immunization being something from the nature to which the living being himself belongs to. 

For the immunization to be reached by the living being, it is only necessary to read and know what this Writing prove and confirm, showing to all the truth of truths. One who knows, it is given the duty of enlightening the others. But the living being who does not completely know all of what is herein demonstrated, needs to stay quiet, seek first to understand from start to finish, for after then, to know how to talk with a base, definitively, authentic, and calmly. 

The living being when does not know, when he is not well informed about the issue and starts to explain, becomes a little nervous, afraid to forget what he already read. And that is why you need to read many times. Being knowledgeable of all contents of this Work, the person, then, needs to speak with those who do not know, certain that the Inhabitants of RATIONAL PLAIN are accompanying all of these things and others more. 

It is certain that those who do not know what they say, much less know what they do. It is very embarrassing for the living being to criticize what he does not know from start to finish. 

Those are the ones who think everything is impossible, because they do not know the beginning or the end. If they did, they would not act so.

The living being, when he does not know the things from start to finish, must stay silent. Those are living beings who lack the main virtues of the education in the world, which the main one is education. 

The duty of the living being, when he does not know about the things, is to ask for explanation about this or that issue he is in doubt and not to impugn them or disagree, as if he knew what he was talking about, talking pointlessly, wrongly, like a parrot. It is a great unhappiness the living being wants to discuss or talk about that he does not know or does not know completely. 

All of you belong to this nature, even though each one’s nature is different. There is no equality from a certain point of view, but in what concerns about the possibility for the Immunization, all are equal, all are half way along the knowledge. 

Now, many due to not knowing this nature, say they cannot become immunized and even they could, they would not go for it, they would not want this commitment with themselves. As if a natural thing of the own living being was a commitment. 

The living being due to not knowing his nature, says many foolish things. Many times he can be very far ahead, but regarding the knowledge of this point, he is very behind, due to this point being completely unknown to the living being. The living being knows nothing about his nature itself.

Others living beings say they wish to become immunized and be protected by all of the living beings from RATIONAL PLAIN. They also talk like that because they do not know their nature and live going to look for development and never pass of what they are, due to them only finding mystifications. 

Mystification is very similar to spiritism and because it is not the true spiritism that is the reason the living being does not pass of what he is.

It is only when he gets right with the true spiritism it is that in an instant he will be in his place. In an instant he will be developed. But, because the mystification prevails in many places, the living being covers many places and does not pass of what he is. 

Where there is mystification, there is no force. Mystification is something similar to spiritism and due to the mystifiers cannot help the living beings they say to them that they were not born to work in this incarnation, but yes, in another. And so, live the mystifiers, inside these places, without doing anything. 

That is why there is this great confusion in spiritism. Some saying that the living being is not ready to receive the influences from the spirits and others have the faculty to receive those influences. Everything is mystification, everything is a great mystery that the mystifiers use to cover up their lack of capacity, only talking nonsense and thinking they are very correct in their arguments. 

In the Rational base it is not necessary the living being to develop through spiritism. As the living being goes on reading, he goes on taking knowledge of the content of this Work, he goes on being immunized. The immunization is of his own natural and after the living being is integrally immunized, he starts to expand naturally; he starts to see that he is immunized. As you read daily, you’ll see the effects of the Immunization. The living being only needs to complete the knowledge that is here in this Work to become complete in everything and reach through theImmunization his eternal redemption. Knowledge is the main thing which is lacking in every living being’s nature. 

RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION does not have absolutely any relation with philosophy, super-philosophy and tales. It is something of the own nature of the living being.



RATIONAL PARTS! "RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, driving everyone towards perfect regulation, will put an end to all these annoyances, this infe...