Postagens em Destaque

terça-feira, 2 de junho de 2020



"In the midst of the beasts there can be no good. Apparently everyone talks about good and evil always remain, night and day, always reigning. The more they talk about good, the more evils they see; the more they talk about law, the more everything is crooked. The more they talk about ending fights, more they fight, the more they talk about peace, more they fight, the more they disorganize.
Therefore, what the beasts say is not taken advantage of. Today they say one thing and tomorrow they say another. Today they say they don't want it, tomorrow they want it. Today they say they don't, tomorrow they are doing it. Today they say it is right and tomorrow they find it crooked. Today they say they are enjoying it and tomorrow they don't like it anymore. "(Page 213/214, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR). 

CONSIDERATIONS: And the question that remains is: why do all these variations in behavior and way of life occur between human beings and world nations?

For a very simple reason! The human being, as a rule, lives unknown to himself as a human being, to his human condition in this world and lives unknown to the life and the world in which he lives! And this ignorance, makes him not know who he really is, where he came from, why he ended up in this world and in what category and class of life, he lives!

But out of vanity and pride, the human being thinks that he is the owner of everything, of his thoughts, of life, of the world and of nature and without knowing the reason for the existence of all these elements. Forget it or not notice it, or act out of misunderstanding of your condition of being thinking, suffering and mortal! And this state of unconsciousness keeps you in the condition of being rude, ferocious and backward in relation to your existential state!

But now an unprecedented Knowledge appears in the world, however, announced many centuries ago by sages, prophets, philosophers, astrologers and even by Nostradamus! The Knowledge of Rationalism, of Universal Rationalization, of the Third Millennium, of the new Phase to be in force in this nature of a transformative character!

This Knowledge provides the human being with the faculty of "knowing himself" existentially and as a being that exists in this world, elevating him to a higher category and class of life and to the full state of awareness of his existential condition. This Knowledge is contained in the books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, by RATIONAL CULTURE!

But please, do not associate this Higher and unprecedented Knowledge with any sect, doctrine, religion or dogmatic philosophy. This Knowledge is due to the natural evolution of this nature, whose origin was unknown until then! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translation: Joyce Barros. 

Rational Greetings to all!

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RATIONAL PARTS! "RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, driving everyone towards perfect regulation, will put an end to all these annoyances, this infe...