Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 7 de junho de 2020



"We are all closer to knowing the truth of the truths, because the truth that exists in the world, is all illusion and nothing more. It is self-suggestion and therefore, the suggestion is here in the conserved world to this day. And because it is all suggestion is that the certainty of the right has never been disclosed nor defined, as this Scripture proves. And because all this is a suggestion, it is that the mysteries are still hanging here unsolved. " (Page 161/162, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: And uncertainty has always been our eternal company! The human being is sure of the place of birth, but the same is not true of the place of its end. And the uncertainties don't stop there. We are not sure how old we will live; we are not sure of our health; we are not sure of our future; we are not sure where we came from and we are not sure where we are going after our death. Finally, the human being lives in the greatest uncertainty about his existence, the existence of the world in which he lives and all the beings that compose it. And how to be happy like this, living unknown to everything and ourselves?

Fortunately, today RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION has come to our attention and, with it, all the answers about our life; our existence in this world; where we came from to be here today; where do we go after our death; what is the reason for the existence of this world and what will be our future!

Finally, in Rational Knowledge we find basic and logical answers, proven and proven for all questions related to human existence, to the existence of life in its present condition and to the world in which we live and how was its creation, generation and formation. . (By Antonio dos Santos and Angela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!

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