Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 4 de junho de 2020



"Other living beings say they want to be immunized and have the protection of all living on the RATIONAL PLAIN. They are saying this, because they are unaware of their nature, and live in various ways, looking to develop and never go beyond what they are, because they only find mystification. Mystification is very similar to spiritism and because it's not true spiritism, it is the living being, being only what it is. And only when you get it right with true spiritism will it be in its place in an instant. But, because mystification prevails in many places, the living being runs a lot of places and is nothing more than what it is." (Page 186/187, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHENTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: So, these invisible beings, being in a higher category of life than ours, exert great influence on the life of matter!

This influence is present in the vast philosophical and scientific magisterium created by us, human beings, notably in the spiritual environment (with its various types of ramifications) and in the Spiritist Doctrine advocated by Allan Kardec! Thus, these inhabitants of space began to assist in the process of evolution and development of human beings, aiming at their improvement and learning to understand the truth that man has never been alone in the universe and that he needs to know his true origin, to know how to return to it.

But as nothing happens by chance and there is a reason for everything, there is certainly an explanation for the fact that these inhabitants of space have a great influence on the life of matter, which will be clarified in due course! So, it can be concluded that Spiritism, with its evolution and progress on Earth, proved the existence of intelligent life outside the earth, more precisely in space, with Spiritism being a touch to alert everyone that there are living beings in other stops, far beyond the world we live in.

And those living in space communicate with the Earth's inhabitants by means of irradiations, the irradiation here being of this electric and magnetic set, which is the world in which we live. And because they are endowed with great magnetic and electrical strength, they have this power to present themselves here in the matter, identifying themselves by different names, since in the space there is no Registry for the registration of names. They present themselves as relatives of people, as a father, as a mother, as a remarkable musician, as a great doctor, as a great scientist, as a poet, as a writer, as an animal, in short, as necessary and necessary to introduce themselves, thus abusing their free will.

Finally, these inhabitants of the space feed themselves through smells, the aromas produced here in the matter. Have you noticed, my friends, that when food is made, it produces aromas, smells and that those aromas and smells awaken our appetite? This is more or less how the inhabitants of space eat!

Today, thanks to the Rational Knowledge contained in the Work UNIVERSE IN DISENCHENTMENT, we have come to know these and other subjects about the lives of the invisible inhabitants of space and their countless forms of materialization among us human beings. (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translation: Joyce Barros.

Rational Greetings to all!

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