Postagens em Destaque

segunda-feira, 1 de junho de 2020



"It is certain that those who do not know what they say, let alone know what they do. It is very shameful for the living being want to criticize what he doesn't know from beginning to end. They are the ones who think everything is impossible, because they do not know the principle or the end and if they knew, they would not do so. The living being, when he does not know things from beginning to end, must remain silent. They are living beings who lack the main virtues of education in the world, the main one being education.
The duty of the living being, when he does not know and does not know things, is to ask for clarification on this or that subject of which he has doubts and not to challenge or disagree, as something that knew what he is saying, speaking at random, erroneously, as a parrot. It is very unfortunate that the living being wants to discuss or talk about what he doesn't know or does not know completely." (Page 186, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHENTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: The Rational Culture, contained in the books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHENTMENT, thrills us with the simplicity of its exuberant, crystalline and grandiose truths and, many times, presents us with beautiful and elevated texts, as we will transcribe below:

"Now, in the Rational Phase, in the Reasoning phase, it is what you are seeing, the complete definition of your being and the world of matter in which you live.
It was what you were looking for in the animal phase and you never found it, because the animal phase was and is a polishing phase.
And the Rational Phase, is the definition phase of everything and everyone.
Then, in the Rational Phase, you are taken to your true World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD; staying on Earth but, connected in the RATIONAL WORLD, by the development of Reasoning.
Living in this world of matter and connected in its true World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD.
So there, finding satisfaction and encouragement to live, even when I have to live, in this passage of the life of matter.
There living, because he knows why they are living, because he knows where he came from, where he is going and how he is going.
So, live with Rational awareness, with definitive basic awareness.

But in the other phase, in the animal phase, they lived under the state of unconsciousness and, therefore, everything was negative. And in the Rational Phase, it is positive, for being Rational conscious. Rational has base, the point of departure and arrival.
At the animal stage, it was not, everything was empty, without beginning and without end. In this way, they all had their individuality lost, because no one knew the cause and origin of anything.

In the Rational Phase, you are complete with everything, knowing where you left off, why you left, how you left and how you ended up there, in these conditions you are in, and how to get back to your true World of Origin. So, in the Rational Phase, you have a basic, definitive point of life and the origin of life, and the origin of this world; he knows why he is living, he knows where he came from, he knows where he is going and how he is going. In the Rational Phase, you have joy and satisfaction in living, because you know why you are living, you know who you are and who everyone is. You know why you are like this, you know why you are like this. You know why they lived in these conditions. You know and know the true origin. So, he has the greatest satisfaction of living, because he knows why he is living, because he lives happy, happy and content and saying: "- Today I know what I am and why I am so, where I came from and where I am going to. but I know why I live and for that reason, I know the cause, and the origin, and the principle of this heap of deformed ruins, which is this world, that nobody knew why. Today I am happy to live, because I know why I am living."" (RATIONAL SUPERIOR). Collaboration: Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translation: Joyce Barros.

Rational Greetings to all!

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