Postagens em Destaque

segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2020



"And how did they start to be criminals? When they entered the part of the plain that was not yet ready to start making progress. That was when they took their first steps. They progressed in that part that was not yet ready and that is why they started to move from the part that is up here and went down. This is the origin of being inside this hole, looking up here, at the sky (as they say) and over time, the bodies deform themselves, until their extinction, forming , with time, other bodies, which is the origin of the living.
They are criminals, born there to suffer. Newborns suffer, children who never hurt anyone, the bad ones, and the good ones suffer.
Why? Because everyone is criminal, everyone is sacrilegious. Now, false prophets, who know nothing, assume that life is in accordance with their ideas, their imaginations, deceiving themselves, deceiving others." (Page 206/207, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT , author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: In this section, RATIONAL SUPERIOR presents us with a real class of Rational Cosmogony, making us vibrate with joy and satisfaction for the wealth of clarifications provided!

See and feel, my friends, in the subtlety of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR's Words, the simple way in which we are informed about the existence of a First World, a Super World, with its progress and its inhabitants, which is the RATIONAL WORLD! But it is not an imaginary world, nor a spiritual one, but a World composed of Inhabitants of pure, clean and perfect life, with evolution and progress, in which there was a part to be determined, where some of these Inhabitants made progress in order to improve it , making use of the freedom they had and have.

Realize how it was and how was the emergence of our universe (the cosmic hole referred to by RATIONAL SUPERIOR)! And realize that this universe of ours, has only shifted from the larger part, which is up there, with its Inhabitants and their progress of purity! That is why the world we live in is a second world and of course it is part of a much higher World (the First World, the RATIONAL WORLD), from which it has just moved.

Also note, my friends, that over time (billions of years not, zillions and zillions of years) these few inhabitants went to extinction, arising from the transformation of one life into another, the origin of the living, that is, the origin of the human race, which is of origin or Rational Race, since these Inhabitants are of Rational Race, the original Race, for being Inhabitants of the First World, which is the RATIONAL WORLD!

Finally, it urges to clarify why the human being has never discovered, even slightly, its true origin, since it was infinitely many transformations that it underwent, after its appearance on Earth, that they all completely erased all knowledge of its principle on Planet Earth , as someone who dies does not know what was in the previous existence!

Therefore, today we are in clear progress of the Rational Phase, the phase in which the RATIONAL WORLD (the part that is up there, with its inhabitants and its progress of purity), came to enlighten us in a clear, limpid, crystalline way, with basis, logic and a multitude of tests and evidences, how all this universal cosmogony was operated! And all these clarifications are contained in the Books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, authored by RATIONAL SUPERIOR, a Reasoning Superior to all Reasons, the Supreme Reasoning of the RATIONAL WORLD! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translation: Joyce Barros.

Rational Greetings to all!

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