Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 17 de maio de 2020



"At the time when they lived with the alphabet of astrology, they all understood each other very well, because they were guided by this alphabet and there was no spiritualism, because only after the modification of the astrological alphabet did the living beings in space revolt and the nature also revolted because they did not want to be regulated by the alphabet given by it, and the living began to be persecuted by strange forces." (Page 144, 1°. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: We said earlier that while humanity was ruled by the alphabet of astrology, life and the world were much better! Everyone knew each other, inside and out! So no one could fool anyone. No one could betray, steal, live in appearance, feeling one thing and looking like another, no one could kill, because he knew it would be discovered, no one could fool anyone, there was more respect and authenticity in the way of life of the people of that time!

We also said that this alphabet of astrology was given by the Supreme High Court of Astrology, responsible for the good of all, for the balance of all. With this alphabet, all who followed him would return to our World of Origin, which indeed happened to his followers, who are today there in the RATIONAL WORLD, living as pure, clean and perfect, with their progress of purity.

At the time of the existence of this alphabet on earth, the human being was in a higher class of life, namely, the Rational Mediator Class. Mediator because I was halfway to return to our Home World. And in this Class, the human being was connected to the Rational Mediating Energy, an energy superior to the electric and magnetic energy to which we are connected today.

But since in the world everyone is different from each other and everyone is unequal, there have always been the good and the bad. Thus, the evil of the early civilizations, not conforming to the descriptions of the astrology alphabet that they had on their palms, tried to spread their nonconformity among all, motivating them to create another alphabet that would expand to the wills! And they created a slogan for this purpose: "With this new alphabet, everyone can expand on all their wants!"

So, over time and with the emergence of the new generations, they tried to teach only the new alphabet created by them, changing from right to wrong and changing from the astrology alphabet to the artificial alphabet that still prevails today! This change of alphabet, over time, also caused humanity to disconnect from Rational Mediation Energy and to turn on electrical and magnetic energy. This new connection has led humanity to this lower class of life we ​​live in today, a life in which everyone lives against each other and destroying one another for nothing, even the Irrationals.

This change of alphabet also "revolted" the Natural of Astrology, motivating the opening of the door to the emergence of true Spiritism on Earth, as a way to help all humanity, but this subject will be dealt with in a timely manner! (By Antonio dos Santos / Ângela Maria). Translation: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


O DESENVOLVIMENTO DO RACIOCÍNIO  E com o decorrer dos dias, todos acabarão ficando desligados dessas duas energias, que são máquinas de lap...